Friday, February 29, 2008
Posted by Andrea at 10:00 PM 5 comments
Jabber Walkee
Isaac has found his voice. He loves to hear himself talk. He loves it so much that he wakes up at 3 and 4 in the morning just to talk. He will talk for about 45 minutes and then go back to sleep. It is so cute, but it is making me crazy. I read in a book that their sleep can be interrupted when they learn new things. I don't know about his, but mine has definitely been interrupted. I do love the sound of his sweet voice. I wish I knew what he was trying to tell me.
Posted by Andrea at 7:44 AM 6 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Jex's Five and a Half Birthday
I tried to make a web album out of this, but it wasn't cooperating today. So you get the long version.

Posted by Andrea at 3:17 PM 4 comments
Our own little Hannah Montana!!
Stella's favorite thing in the whole wide world is to pretend she is something other then herself. She makes me call her by different names, and will not answer unless you call her by the name she is pretending to be. Her most favorite thing to be is a singer and dancer. She gets all dressed up, turns on Highschool Musical, and dances around. She is getting pretty good at learning the words to the songs. When she does this, I have to call her Hannah Montana.
Posted by Andrea at 12:27 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
Isaac is six months. AHHH!!
I can't believe that my sweet little angel is six months. He is learning all sorts of tricks. He is now rolling over, screeching at me when he needs something, eating baby food, and grabbing his feet and sucking on them.(YUM!) It is so fun to watch him grow and learn. However, I want him to stay small just a little longer. He is such a delight.
Posted by Andrea at 11:13 PM 6 comments
Teddy Bear Parade
Jex had a Teddy Bear Parade today at school. It was so cute. They all decorated a shoe box to look like a float. Then they brought their favorite stuffed animal. Jex took a blue monkey that his Aunt Kristin sent him for Valentines. I love his school. They always come up with such fun things. This was really quite amusing. Stella and I enjoyed watching them circle the school. Even Isaac was mesmerized.
Posted by Andrea at 11:09 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Fish in my armpits
I had to share another funny. I know many of you believe that Stella does not have a personality, because she is so shy outside of our home. She is just about the funniest girl I know. She loves to be silly, but sometimes we are the only recipients of her humor. Yesterday, Jonathan was teasing her that she had a monkey in her belly button. She said, "I know, and look! I have fish in my armpits." Oh, the funny things she comes up with. We love her, and her silly personality.
Posted by Andrea at 8:03 PM 2 comments
You go ask her... no you go ask her...
The other morning, I could hear the kids plotting downstairs. I was upstairs anxiously waiting what ever it was they needed to ask me. Jex said to Stella, "You go ask her, because she will do it if you ask." Stella said, "No, you ask her." I am thinking this must be a really big thing they want to do. So then I hear Jex say, "No, just put your really sweet face on and go ask her. She will do anything for you." Stella said, "Okay, your right. She will do it for me." So up the stairs they come. I am laughing hysterically on the inside just waiting to find out what this big question could be. Then Stella says, "Mom, will you put up the tent?" This must have been really important to them. They love to play in their little camping tent. I love listening to my children communicate. It is so sweet. It is such a joy to listen to the small conversations they have. It makes you realize what is so important in their little world. Here I am worrying about getting the van fixed, or paying bills, or whatever. And the biggest thing in their world is putting up the tent. It helps me stop and take time to find out what really matters. I love the lessons taught by my children.
Posted by Andrea at 7:46 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
There is something to be said for just being at home. This weekend we went away, and it was so nice. However, it was even nicer to come home. I love spending time at home. I have resigned myself to running less errands, and just spending time with my kids. This has allowed for more quality time, and better naps for our little Isaac.
While we were away this weekend, we went house hunting. This will be the first home we have ever owned, and I can't wait. We found some nice homes. We don't know exactly where we will be moving yet, but we were able to check out an area that might be a possibility. Now, I find myself even more excited about my resolve to be at home. Home is a wonderful place, and I hope I can make it a place that my children want to be. In all of my life experience, one lesson I have learned is; Home is where your family is.
Posted by Andrea at 8:20 PM 5 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A Valentine Wish...
Wishing all our loved ones far away all our love... We miss you dearly.
The Swensons
Posted by Andrea at 12:47 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Patience and Valentines
Tonight, Stella was saying her prayers. She said, "Bless mom to do good with us." I think that was her small way of saying, "bless my mom with patience." I thought that was so sweet. With a husband on-call all the time, and gone interviewing I guess you could say that I needed an extra dose of patience.
Today at school, Jex traded Valentines with his classmates. It was so fun to watch him come home and be so excited about them. He looked over them, and sorted through them all day. When I was putting Isaac to bed, I told them they needed to do something quiet until I was done. He said, "can I look at my Valentines again?" I remember being so excited about things that were my own. I am sure that is how he feels about his own valentines, given to him by his dear classmates. What a fun tradition. I love Valentines!
Posted by Andrea at 8:55 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hard life!!
I just had to share a funny. Jex and Stella were playing this morning. They were pretending to be grownups, and they were telling me how many kids they had. Jex said, "I grew up in the 80's, and that was a really hard time for me." "I had a really rough life." "The 80's were rough, I had to live in a cabin." If only he new that the 80's were only rough because of the fashion. Big hair, pegged pants, bright shirts, and L.A. Gears. I have to say that was rough. Living up to all those fashion expectations. Kids crack me up. I just had to share his perspective.
Posted by Andrea at 10:13 AM 4 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Tag... your it!!
My friend Tara tagged me. So here it is:
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves
C. At the end of the post, the player tags 4 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they are tagged.
10 years ago I was: A sophomore at Snow College in Ephraim, UT. I made so many wonderful friends this year. I will treasure this year forever, and my wonderful Snow friends(you know who you are.) Jonathan and I became great friends this year as well. It wasn't until that school year was over that we decided we could be more then friends.
5 things on my to do list today:
1. take a nap
2. run a few errands
3. NOT clean my house today(it's Saturday, and I will pay for it on Monday)
4. spend some time with Jonathan
5. bake some sort of yummy treat(because we all know I need MORE treats in my life)
Things I would do if I became a billionaire: I would pay off our student loans. Buy a nice home, and furnish it with all the lovely things that I adore. Buy a vacation home, somewhere warm. Take the kids back to Saba for a visit, and travel the world with our family. Save some money for missions, and college for the kids. Use some of it to take me kids on service missions in countries that could use our help.
3 of my bad habits:
1. letting my closets get unorganized (just so I can organize them again)
2. letting my expensive toothbrush get what Jonathan calls "filthy gross."
3. leaving laundry in baskets for days
5 places I've lived
1. Payson, UT
2. Logan, UT
3. Ephraim, UT
4. Saba, Netherlands Antilles
5. Overland Park, KS
5 jobs I've had:
1. Cook at cafe
2. waitress at several places
3. Public Relations for Photography Studio
4. pedicurist
5. Hair stylist
Something most people don't know about me. I love to organize... I will let messes, laundry, beds all go undone just to get my hands on something that needs to be organized. I also like to let things get unorganized just so I can do it again. I always have to find a better way to do it the next time. You can never have to many rubbermaid, or storage containers in my book. Labels are my best friend. Whenever I am feeling blue... a good pick me up is some organization.
I tag...
1. Kristin
2. Krysta
3. Alison
4. Amber
Posted by Andrea at 3:28 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Isaac Blue Eyes...
Isaac has just discovered his feet. He was so intent on figuring out what they were, that I couldn't even get him to smile for me. When I watched the video, I couldn't believe how Big and Blue his eyes were. I am a very biased mother, but I just think this child is so beautiful. He walks on water with me. I can't get enough of him. I thought you might enjoy sharing in his beauty.
Posted by Andrea at 10:03 AM 2 comments

Day 9:(Jonathan) I love that family is so important to Jonathan. Even though these last years have been intense with medical school, he has never once questioned having more kids. I am so thankful that we have kept adding to our family. We have been blessed for doing so. I love that he has always taken care of us. He puts us first, work comes second. I appreciate that. I love you Jonathan!!

Day 4:(Jonathan)Tonight, I watched Jonathan gently whisper "I love you" in Isaac's ear. He didn't know I was watching but it made my heart melt. I am so thankful that Jonathan takes the time to love and adore our children even as infants. I love that he is such a wonderful dad. He is always so helpful when we have a new baby. This is so wonderful when it can be so hard to adjust to the changes a new life can bring. I am glad that he doesn't just leave me hanging, but pitches in to help. Even after a really long day at work. I can tell that he adores Isaac, just as much as the other two. Each of our children hold a spot in Jonathan's heart, and he always makes sure they know just how much he loves them.

Her Blessing Day September 2004
Day 2:(Jonathan) I love that my husband is a keeper of covenants. What a blessing that has been in our life. A wonderful gift to have a priesthood holder in our home. He has given each one of our children a blessing after their birth, and several father's blessings since. My life has also been enriched through priesthood blessings. I am thankful for him honoring those covenants, and serving in our home. I love you Jonathan!!

Day 1(children): I love that my beautiful baby Isaac sleeps through the night. What a blessing it is to have children that sleep.

I love this picture(I think it is so sweet)
Day 1:(Jonathan) I love when my husband shows me he loves me, by putting the kids to bed at night. He does this quite often. He baths them, brushes there teeth, reads and or tells them a story, and says prayers. He does all the normal bed time routine stuff, and then gently puts them to bed. Most nights I find him snuggling with them in their bed, or letting them give him a massage. He is a great dad. The kids enjoy it because it is time well spent with him. I love it, because sometimes I am just to tired to do it all. I know he loves me when he does this for me. Thanks Jonathan!!
Posted by Andrea at 9:39 AM 3 comments
Wait five minutes....
If you don't like the weather in Kansas, just wait five minutes because it will change. Yesterday, we enjoyed 67-70 degree weather. All of the kids were playing in the backyard on the playground. All the moms were sitting out there(with our babies), enjoying the sunshine and soaking up our vitamin D. Now, it is pouring outside, and like 30 degrees. We are supposed to get 6 inches of snow. Who knows? I guess you just enjoy those days when they come. Even though it feels like a big fat tease.
Posted by Andrea at 9:23 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
I'm so glad when Daddy comes home...I pat his cheeks and give him what? A great big kiss.
Jonathan is home for the weekend. He has been traveling so much for interviews, and when he is not doing that he is on call at the hospital. The kids hadn't seen him in days. They were so excited when he got home from work this afternoon. They haven't left his side. They all climbed right up on his lap, and snuggled up close. I love having him here too.
Posted by Andrea at 5:30 PM 2 comments
A treat for Dad
In honor of Jonathan being home for a few days, Stella wanted to make him a cake. So we made one of his favorites! It's called Lemon Bread. My neighbor Kim gave us the recipe. Stella is always thinking of ways to make her dad happy.
Lemon Bread
1 lemon cake mix
1 sm. pkg. lemon pudding
2 eggs
1 C. water
1/3 C. oil
mix together and pour into 2 loaf pans
Bake @350 for 35-40 minutes
Cool in pans and then top wth glaze
1/2 C. Powdered sugar
4 T. lemon juice.
It says bread, but it is really more like a cake.
Posted by Andrea at 5:27 PM 1 comments
Pajama Day
Today at Jex's school was Pajama Day. This was in honor of Ground Hog's day. Jex attends a Methodist School. He is in the Pre-K class with 16 other 5 year olds. They have also been celebrating many half birthdays these last two months. All of the children turned five in the summer. We will celebrate Jex's this month at school. He is excited about that.
Posted by Andrea at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Baseball Anyone?
I thought this was so sweet of Stella. She loves to sing, especially to Isaac. Aren't they adorable? She has the sweetest voice. The Swenson's love baseball!
Posted by Andrea at 10:47 AM 2 comments