Day 9:(Children) I love that Stella loves Isaac so much. She could sit on the couch and hold him all day. The first words out of her mouth when he wakes up is can I hold him. She is constantly rubbing her face on his "comfy hair", and making him smile. She likes to pretend that Isaac is her baby. She says, "Isn't my baby so cute?, His name is Isaac." She is such a fun sister.

Day 8:(children) I love that Jex loves to learn. He is like a sponge, he wants to soak up any knowledge that he can. He is very smart. Sometimes he knows more then me. I am so glad that learning is important to him.

Day 8:(Jonathan) I love when Jonathan surprises me with Laughter. He will catch me off gaurd with something funny. That kind of laughter is good for my soul. This day he got all dressed up for Halloween without me even knowing. What a shock, to find out my husband was Howard the nerd.

Day 7:(Children) I love Isaac's smile. There is something about a baby smiling at you that just warms your heart. Need I say more?

Day 7:(Jonathan) I love that Jonathan and his dad have such a strong connection. He loves his dad with all his heart. There is a great respect for each other. His dad respects him as much as he respects his dad. I hope their example can carry over in to the relationships that we share with our children.

Day 6:(Children) I love that Stella wants to be just like me. She wants her hair to be the same as mine, and to dress the same. If my hair is in a ponytail, she wants her's in a pony. She always says, "mom will you teach me how to do that so I can do that when I am a mommy." She just wants to be a mommy. How flattering. She must think that I am a pretty important person. I tried to keep the cheerleader in highschool thing a secret. However, Grandma Pam let it out of the bag. So... we had to go get her an outfit. She wears it everyday. I love that she looks up to me. I love spending time with her. She is so fun.

Day 6:(Jonathan) I love that Jonathan can just pick up a new hobbie, and be great at it. He is honestly good at everything. I guess that could be annoying to some. However, I love seeing the passion he gets about things he truly loves. It is easy to love things that you are good at. He is so fun to be around when he is talking about one of his passions. His face lights up and he gets so excited. I love to listen to him when he is this way. Skiing is just one of the many hobbies that he has just happened to pick up easily. I know he sure misses hitting the slopes.

Day 5: (Children) I love that Jex wants to be everything that his dad is. He is so interested in everything that his dad does. What a great role model Jex has. I know that as Jex gets older he will have a great relationship with his dad. I am thankful that Jex takes the time to be interested, and spend time doing things that his dad loves. What a blessing he is to our family.

Day 4:(Children) I love that Isaac came to our family to bring me peace. I am such a different person since having him. He has such a calming spirit about him. He has helped me to slow down, and enjoy time with my children. I am a better mother, wife, and friend since having him. His spirit has afforded me so much. He has helped me to understand what this life is really all about. He is only 5 months, but already he has taught me so much. I don't know what I would do without you Isaac. I love you!!

Day 4:(Jonathan)Tonight, I watched Jonathan gently whisper "I love you" in Isaac's ear. He didn't know I was watching but it made my heart melt. I am so thankful that Jonathan takes the time to love and adore our children even as infants. I love that he is such a wonderful dad. He is always so helpful when we have a new baby. This is so wonderful when it can be so hard to adjust to the changes a new life can bring. I am glad that he doesn't just leave me hanging, but pitches in to help. Even after a really long day at work. I can tell that he adores Isaac, just as much as the other two. Each of our children hold a spot in Jonathan's heart, and he always makes sure they know just how much he loves them.

Day 3:(Children): I love that Stella has turned in to my little helper. She is so happy to help me with anything I need. She has been the biggest helper since we had Isaac. When I ask her to do something she says, "Sure mom, I would love too." What a sweetie.

Day 3:(Jonathan) I love that Jonathan and I share Laughter in our home and our marriage. It is so great to that he has such a wonderful sense of humor. In times of distress he is always the first to lighten things up. I love that about him. On occasion, I like to shake things up too. For example: this t-shirt that I gave him for Christmas. What? I'm a hot mom.

Day 2: (Children) I love that my Jex is so sensitive. He is sensitive to my needs, his friends, siblings, and also to the spirit. He is always hugging me, and letting me know he cares. Especially at the times that I need it the most. He is also the first to want to learn more about the gospel, watch church movies, pray, and get out our scriptures as a reminder of family scripture study. He is a great example. We are blessed to have our oldest child such a wonderful example for our other children. I love him, he is a sweet blessing to our family.

Jonathan with Stella Grace
Her Blessing Day September 2004
Day 2:(Jonathan) I love that my husband is a keeper of covenants. What a blessing that has been in our life. A wonderful gift to have a priesthood holder in our home. He has given each one of our children a blessing after their birth, and several father's blessings since. My life has also been enriched through priesthood blessings. I am thankful for him honoring those covenants, and serving in our home. I love you Jonathan!!

Day 1(children): I
love that my beautiful baby Isaac sleeps through the night. What a blessing it is to have children that sleep.

Jex and Jonathan 2003
I love this picture(I think it is so sweet)
Day 1:(Jonathan) I love when my husband shows me he loves me, by putting the kids to bed at night. He does this quite often. He baths them, brushes there teeth, reads and or tells them a story, and says prayers. He does all the normal bed time routine stuff, and then gently puts them to bed. Most nights I find him snuggling with them in their bed, or letting them give him a massage. He is a great dad. The kids enjoy it because it is time well spent with him. I love it, because sometimes I am just to tired to do it all. I know he loves me when he does this for me. Thanks Jonathan!!
I remember that picture of Jonathan and Jex! I loved your video of Isaac. I want to just squeeze him!
Isaac is so sweet! I love your idea about the things you love about your family.....I might have to borrow it :)
I love the family pictures, they are so cute! I love that your hair is totally different in each one!
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