As General Conference draws near, I have been thinking about the wonderful gift we as church members share. That is the gift of revelation; personal and from our Heavenly Father through our prophet. I am excited to listen, and ponder on the revelation this next weekend.
However, my mind had been focused on the wonderful gift of personal revelation. Today, I wanted to share with you my feelings and testimony of this wonderful blessing.
Yesterday, at the General Relief Society meeting, Sister Beck said, "We can do the Lord's work if we seek, receive and act on personal revelation. We must heed all revelation. We must be still; revelation takes serious mental effort."
As sisters of the Relief Society we all have a responsibility to organize, teach and aspire all. I am thankful for personal revelation to assist me in this effort.
I would like to share a few things that I have learned about personal revelation. Elder Robert D. Hales said, that prayer is the firm foundation for revelation. We should then study it out in our minds. Revelation comes on the Lord's timetable, so we must move forward with faith.
Please note: I am paraphrasing from his talk. When it is a direct quote I will note.
President James E. Faust also taught that the church has flourished because of the divine direction that is given to all individuals. This direction is to help lead us to eternal salvation. I am so thankful for this wonderful blessing to help lead me. I am now working on using it, and listening to it.
How do we use it? Personal Revelation does not extend beyond our own Stewardship. This includes revelation for us, our family, and our calling.
Where does the revelation come from? The Holy Ghost is the revelator.
How do we recieve personal revelation?
I will tell you in your mind and in your heart. (D&C 8:2)
By the Still Small Voice (1 Kings 10:11-12)
A still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, and it did pierce even to the very soul
(Helaman 5:30)
We really must listen if we expect to hear personal revelation, because most times it is a very quiet voice that whispers what we should know. I have often times had revelation when I am on a walk, in the shower or just quietly minding my own business. I will receive a thought in my mind, and it is often later on in the day that I recognize it as personal revelation.
President Faust gave us a few guidelines to follow when seeking revelation.
1. Keep the commandments
2. Be spiritually attuned
3. Ask in a humble prayer
4. Exercise your faith
Our responsibilities as members is to seek after revelation for ourselves, and listen to the responsibilities given to us. Just the other day I felt prompted to call a friend. I am so glad I did. She was in the hospital, and had just given birth to a new baby. I was able to wish her congratulations, and tell her I care about her. I am thankful I acted on the prompting to serve.
I have also had moments of revelation when I am reminded of the blessing I have been given. Almost as if, the Lord is telling me, "I gave that blessing to you to bless your life for this purpose." I love recognizing those thoughts, and knowing that they are put there to strengthen my faith. It also reminds me that I am loved by our Heavenly Father, that he knows me, and recognizes my needs. I know that it is through the small and simple acts of faith that miracles are wrought.
I want to close with this thought from Elder Robert D. Hales. He said, "Miracles will usually be tender mercies gently bestowed through impressions, ideas, feelings of assurance, solutions to problems, strength to meet challenges, and comfort to bear disappointments and sorrows."
I hope you can recognize the gift of personal revelation in your own life. I also pray that you can remember the blessing of Latter-Day revelation as we listen to our prophet this weekend. As one last reminder, President Wilford Woodruff said, "The church could not live 24 hours without revelation."
Communion with the Holy Ghost by President James E. Faust
Personal Revelation by Elder Robert D. Hales
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Personal Revelation
Posted by Andrea at 6:51 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
It's been a while...
Well, it has been a while since my fingers were typing up Swenson Family news on our blog. The last few weeks have gone by very quickly and have been very busy. I am happy to say that my lack of blogging has been for a really good reason.

Casey was able to set up shop and work from home. He had his own little office in our house, so that worked great. During the day, we would play with the kiddos, and enjoy our little chats. In the evenings we enjoyed dinner together, and dessert. One night we had apple crisp in the backyard. The kids always wanted a baseball game with the daddies. They would stand outside and chant "Baseball game, Baseball game." It was so funny.
The kids loved every minute of playing in the playhouse that Casey and Jonathan built back in June. It was nice to see them using it together after their daddies worked so hard on it. They even spent a whole day cleaning it, and decorating it.(yes, they do belong to Krysta and I) They all colored pictures, and then they hung them up all over the playhouse. It was so cute(I wish I had a picture of that, what were we thinking?)
On Friday night, when the kids didn't have school, we let them watch a movie and have a sleepover. I have to say it went pretty well. Once the kiddos were in bed each night, we did the typical Moes and Swenson activity; GAME NIGHT!! BOYS against GIRLS... girls won!!!(I think) It was so fun to laugh, and remember old times. (we used to play cards like this before we even had kids.)
On Sunday night, Krysta and I were way to tired to make dinner so... we had Brownies for dinner. The kids thought it was so cool. We got The mom's of the year award that night.
We also crossed a few things off our to-do list(blogging wasn't one of them.) We made hair bows for the girls out of flowers, a wreath for Krysta's door, and we had a Moes kid Photo shoot. I fell in love with Krysta's camera while she was here, and I kept snapping pictures. It was the perfect opportunity for me to play with it some more. The pictures turned out great. It was really fun for me. I can't wait to save my money and get a Fancy camera. (Christmas is right around the corner.)
On Saturday, we took a trip to Hot Springs because we had never been there before. It was a nice day out of the house. Hot Springs it a fun town, full of charm. While we were there we went to the car show, and BBQ cook-off. We also spent some time at a nice park and had a picnic lunch. We let the kids roam around, and run off some energy. (I had some fun with the camera again.)
Hot Springs had some fun shopping, I can't wait to go back and check that out. Maybe with the next visitors(who's next?)
After Hot springs, we went and enjoyed a nice dinner out. I guess you could call it nice, Isaac spent a good share of it screaming at me. We ate at a BBQ place called Corky's. We took my parents there when they came for a visit, and we enjoyed it. It was a nice day.
I am so thankful for my week of fun with the Moes's. Now it is back to business, and back to my normal routine. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Posted by Andrea at 10:13 AM 7 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tune In!!
Posted by Andrea at 11:30 PM 9 comments
Labels: Saba
Friday, September 12, 2008
{Just the Two of Us}
Stella was asked to give a talk one of the first Sundays in our new ward. Guess who gave the talk? Yes, it was I. Anyways, she was asked to give another one a few weeks ago. We practiced with her, and then Jonathan promised her a surprise.
So Sunday came, and she did beautifully on her talk. When we came home from church, Jonathan printed out a note for Stella. It was a invite to go on a date with him. They could go anywhere she wanted, and buy any surprise treat she wanted.

Posted by Andrea at 11:02 AM 10 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Grandparents Week!!

Posted by Andrea at 2:43 PM 13 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
{Visitors are the best... especially when it is your sis!!}
My sister and her husband get the first visitor to our new home award. It was so nice to have family come and see us. Lindsay was able to come to our old house last year, but Dave wasn't able to come with her. It was so nice to have them both this time.
The kids enjoyed every minute of it. I think they wore them both out. Dave pretty much played with the kids all day. We enjoyed having them hang out in our house. We made yummy food, went for snowcones(twice), played games and watched movies.
We also went to the zoo with them. We haven't been to our zoo yet, so it was really fun to go and check it out. I think we picked the hottest day of the year to go, but luckily we didn't melt.
One of the nights, we got a babysitter and went out. It was a blast. We went and ate at a place called The Whole Hog Cafe. It is famous for it's BBQ. It was so YUMMY!! Then we went to an Arkansas Travelers Baseball Game. They are a AA Team.
We were also able to celebrate Isaac's birthday. It was so nice to have them here. It is so hard to be away from family. You miss that connection with others. It was so nice to reconnect again, and get to know LIndsay and Dave all over again. Because we grow and change, it is difficult to know everything about our siblings. I think having them in our home allowed us to catch a glimpse of just how wonderful Dave and Lindsay are. We knew it all along, it was just fun to see it again, and to be with two great people.
We LOVE you Dave and Lindsay!! Thanks for a great visit.
P.S. Lindsay has the pics of the baseball game on her camera. Hopefully I can get them, and post them.
Posted by Andrea at 2:25 PM 7 comments
{Just ride it out.... and be prepared}

Posted by Andrea at 10:58 AM 7 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Birthday bash...."Toadally Amazing"

I decided to have friend parties on my kids odd birthdays, and family parties on their even birthdays. That evens thing up for me a bit. This year was family for Jex and Stella, and that meant friend for Isaac. That way we know what to expect and I don't have to feel like a crazy person because I am doing something big for all of them. I love this idea!!
Posted by Andrea at 10:12 AM 10 comments