Yes... we are having the effects of the Hurricane Gustav. It has been very windy, and rainy here. This morning, we lost power for 6 hours or so. It makes you realize just how hard the people in Louisiana have it. I am praying that there power can be restored soon. 6 hours was extremely hard for me. During that time, I learned....
*How important it is to have flashlights handy
*That you should always know where your candles, and matches are
*That we need to buy some kind of lantern
*We need to find a way to warm up food with out a power source.(Let's just say Isaac did not love his cold bottle this morning, and didn't like waiting while we warmed it up in warm water.)
*I learned how to open the garage manually(I know, you are all laughing at this one.)

Jex eating his cereal by candlelight!!
All in all, this was a good reminder that we need to be prepared. Is my family prepared? NO!!!
We are currently working on our 72 hour kits, car kits, and food storage. Was I prepared to be at home without power? NOT AT ALL!! It was a good lesson for me.... PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE. PREPARE FOR EVERYTHING!!
I am grateful for the blessing that I have, and for the safety of my family, and surroundings. I pray that those who are watching these storms may use it as a reminder to BE PREPARED!!
Be prepared is right! But you reminded me of something...I don't think we have a car kit. We have a first aid kit in each car, but we probably need to have something else too. hmmm....
I'm working on our 72 hour kits right now. Thanks for the reminder! Good luck with all the rain.
I need to change out all of my stuff in my 72 hour kit, it is old news. I need to do that as soon as possible, thanks for the reminder!
thank you for the reminder - when you see someone that you know affected by mother nature, it makes it so real. thanks for sharing!
I love all your digital stuff! You are so creative and have such a great eye for things. It has been raining here for 2 days straight, some hail at my parents. We have been feeling the need to get prepared too. Jared is even pushing it more than I am. We have enough on hand to get to our parents, and we are going to keep food storage, etc. at their house. Thanks for the reminder!
It's a good reminder for all of us. Hopefully the next three hurricanes won't be coming your way.
I'm not prepared either! I guess this was a good lesson for all of us.
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