We finally celebrated Isaac's birthday with cake and icecream. I wanted to wait to have my sister and her husband here for our celebration. It was a nice evening. We had some friends over, and just enjoyed talking and eating cake.

Isaac was thrilled with the cake, and I think he even loved the icecream more. He was overwhelmed with everyone watching him, but once he got his mouth on the sweets he couldn't stop. It was a nice night.
I decided to have friend parties on my kids odd birthdays, and family parties on their even birthdays. That evens thing up for me a bit. This year was family for Jex and Stella, and that meant friend for Isaac. That way we know what to expect and I don't have to feel like a crazy person because I am doing something big for all of them. I love this idea!!
I need to get my pictures posted. We are missing you guys already!! I wish we could come out more often!
We love that little guy! What fun to be one and also "toadally wonderful too! I'm glad Dave and Lindsay could be there to represent family. Love you all.
Gramma Lorene
What a fun party!!!
happy happy birthday Isaac. Love and miss you!
Looks like it was fun. Still amazed that Isaac is a year old. Time just goes too fast. Love and miss you all !!
Happy Birthday Issac!
Cute idea!!! I might just have to use it. I also like how you go about parties!!
I love his grin smoothered with cake!!
Happy Birthday Isaac. My Aunt has a similar birthday tradition that I will do in our family. The kids (they have 7 so this works well for them get 'friend birthday parties' on Birthdays 4, 8, 12, 16, 20. They get Family Birthdays the other years. I like it because those are important years to share - 4, they would be old enough to remember, 8 baptism, 12 YW/YM, 16 Dating/driving!
Cute, cute cake!
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