My parents came out to visit us this last week. It was so wonderful to see them. We have not seen them since March, so this visit was much needed.
I loved every minute of having them in our house, and finally having a house to have them in. While they were here we:
*went shopping at The Handbag store I love, Hobby Lobby, The Container Store, Pottery Barn, and an Antique Store (just to name a few) I am so thankful that my mom shares my same interests when it comes to shopping.
*we ate at Waffle House (a tradition when they visit, gotta have a pecan waffle) YUM!!
*went to the river market in downtown Little Rock, and just browsed around the city.
*spent a long day at church. While they were here, I was sustained and set apart as the new first councilor in the Relief Society. I will be over the Enrichment part. The best part is that is my mom's calling too!! We can share ideas. It was nice to have them here to be a part of that.
As a side note: Jonathan was just called to be the executive secretary in our ward. He will do a wonderful job!!
*my wonderful dad, spent two days (while mom and I were shopping) running the heating and the air conditioning to our bonus room above the garage. He also did some other little tinker projects while he was here. He is such a hard worker, I am amazed at how hard he works!!Thanks DAD!!!
*we also got a babysitter, and went to dinner at a great BBQ restaurant. We enjoyed ribs, chicken, catfish, and the best rolls on the planet. My mom loved the onion rings too!! It was nice to be out and enjoy some time just us!!
*we also played some games at night when the kids went to bed, I taught my mom how to digital scrapbook, and we watched movies.
So much fun, crammed in to six short days!! We can't wait until you come again.
Thanks for the great visit Mom and Dad!! We love you guys!!
As many of you know, Isaac's middle name is Mark after my dad. I have been teasing him that Isaac can give a scowl just like him. What do you think?

He also looks a lot like my dad, so I think that it is fitting that we named him after such a wonderful person. Isaac has a lot to live up to with that name. What a great namesake.
Isaac looks just like Dad, no joke, they are identical!
I goofed on the previous post. When I saw this granparents post, I got very homesick for you! I hope it will not be too long before a visit from the Swensons. Grandpa Jerald is into the hunting season and can't think straight! Oh well, he's happy. I am excited about your new calling; you will be terrific! I love you guys!!
Gram Lorene
The picture of Isaac and your Dad is hilarious! They do look so much alike! And Isaac looks so BIG!! He's not a baby anymore - how did that happen in just a few months since we saw him??
Looks like so much fun...I wish we could have stayed and been a part of all of that too!! That last picture is too funny because Isaac really looks just like him and they are both scowling!!
I'm glad you guys had so much fun! Congratulations on your new calling.
I love that picture of Isaac and your cute!
You guys have had a fun last couple of weeks with visits from family! I am glad that you were able to have a little piece of home.
Andrea, this was such a great post...what a blessing to have parents with whom you can share so much (even facial expressions)! Never take it for granted. And, about that new calling....Hooray! hee hee ~I STILL foresee PRESIDENT in your future...You just wait!
How much fun. Family is so important and it is always so much fun to have them visit. I can't wait to move back and have my family within a 2 hour drive distance. Hooray for families.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your parents! I think Isaac looks just like Jex in the first picture, so they both must get their good looks from your dad :) When did Isaac grow up? Did I miss something? Holy cow he's a little boy now! Congrats on your new calling--you will do so well.
Isaac does look like your dad. It's the eyes I think. Fun pics.
Don't you love it when family comes to visit!! It makes you feel like your not so far away from home. Isaac looks just like your dad. So fun to have captured that picture of them with the same scowl. Take care.
It is interesting that you and your mom have similar interests and the same callings. Your dad has many talents too. Wonder if he could come do some work at my house? In fact, I need you and your mom over to decorate, as well!
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