I have been meaning to sit down and record some of my favorite things about Tess for a while now. I planned to do it at the 18 month mark. That required documenting it not only with words, but also pictures. I don’t know how many days I laid in bed thinking about a photo shoot with her. Then the next day would pass with out the time, and another night of dreaming of a toddler photo shoot.
Finally a free afternoon rolled around and I took advantage of it.
She has been 18 months since April 22nd. I know she is really 19 months, but I am not willing to move on. I can’t admit it. I am in complete denial. That means we are getting closer to the age of two.
It reminds me of that book The monster at the end of the book. Grover ties the pages together, and loads them down with bricks. That way no one can get any closer to the monster at the end of the book. I would like to tie her down, or invent a pill that would prevent her from growing any more.
I love little toddlers. She is so much fun.

At her 18 month check-up she weighed 22 pounds. She says a few words. Her vocabulary is smaller then our other kids, but I think she has too many people speaking for her.
Her favorite word is Mama; and Mama, and Mama. Which she follows me around the house saying almost constantly.
She communicates by using words, and sign language.

She is most content when she is on my lap, or sitting right by me.
She rarely sits and plays by herself. She mostly follows me around, and will play with Isaac on occasion.
She is the most snuggly child that we have. She is also very sensitive, and can get her heart broken very easily.

Tessa Mae loves when her dad gets home from work. She will run into his arms with the most adorable giggle.
Tessa hates shoes, and will remove them almost immediately upon arriving home.
She can swing for hours, and holds her own on the trampoline.

She jibber jabbers and thinks she is telling you the most interesting story.
She understands most of what you say and will shake her head “yes” or “no” in response to most questions.
Tessa insists on snuggling with Stella when she wakes up in the morning. She climbs in bed with her and wraps her little arms around her neck. She will lay with her for five minutes or more.

Her favorite food is Mac and Cheese. She laughs the whole time you are making it, and can eat two packages at a time.
Tessa almost always has a smile on her face; except when she is nervous that someone is going to take her away from my side.
Words she can say: night-night, mama, hot, stuck, Tessa, da-da, pa-pa, ball, no way, oh wow, cheese
Words she can sign: more, please, cereal, apple, banana, cracker, hungry, milk, help, all done

Mae Mae is the center of our home. She is light of our life, and we are so thankful that we have her.
Oh Tessa Mae: please stop growing.