Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring… and faith and exciting NEWS.

I am beginning to wonder if spring is really going to happen or not. 

Raise your hand if this has felt like the longest winter?

Each winter; I am reminded of faith.  We all have faith that spring is coming; because it always has.

God never lets us down.

Even here in PA,  it snows, and yet there is still evidence that spring is around the corner.

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Our family recently has had some very faith promoting experiences of our own.

Jonathan is wrapping up his fellowship here in PA.

That means it is time to pick a job, and finally settle in.

Who knew that would be the scariest part of this whole journey.

Who knew that moving to the Caribbean nine years ago with 3 suitcases would seem easier than choosing a job and location to settle in and raise our family?

Over the last several months, we have put a lot of faith in God while we made choices about a job and a location to settle in to.

My amazing, handsome, hunk of a doctor husband had several awesome jobs to choose from.


(this is Jonathan’s photo that is on his card at work. I just think he looks so handsome and professional)

Each job offer had something wonderful; yet each one lacking something.

Some had location, others had salary, and others had awesome opportunities.

None had all three.

It has been hard to make a decision. 

They were all good choices, and sometimes it is hard to decide between things that are gray and gray.  When I say gray I don’t mean dull.  I just mean it hasn’t been black and white.

If it was black and white, it would be much easier.

In nine years, our path has been very much guided by God.  He has had a hand in every place we have moved. (read more about that here.)

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that we would be guided once again.

That is where the faith had to come in.

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The faith that God knew where we would bloom.

As with most decisions in our home, we rely on prayer.

We took this particular decision to God; and he answered.

I have found that sometimes in my life there are answers that God answers with a simple, “it mattereth not to me.”  Sometimes what God is saying is, “either choice is fine.”

In this particular decision, God had a specific answer.

This answer was not the answer that our family expected. 

At times, we didn’t know if it was the answer that we wanted.

From other angles, it was exactly what we wanted.

For days and weeks, we went back to the Lord, saying are you sure?

Each time he answered and I am sure it was in a very tired voice that he responded, “Yes. I am sure.”

God has been patient.

Let me also tell you, I married an amazing man.

My faithful husband listened to God, and followed his answer.

Jonathan is giving up a lot.  The other jobs had things to offer that the job we chose does not.

After 9 years of devoting your life to something; you are looking for the right job.

The job that offers everything you want.

He found that job, but it wasn’t the job he was guided to take.

Jonathan was very excited about that job; and has mourned the loss of it greatly.

It is hard to turn down something that you want.

Then he picks his head up, and he goes forward with faith; knowing that God has something awesome planned for him and our family.

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Jonathan has always taken care of his family first, and this time has been no different.

I am so lucky to be married to a man that has enough faith to walk away from something he wants for something God wants for our family instead.

He loves us enough to take the job in the city that he knows is best for our family; not necessarily the job he thought he would end up with.

We both know that God has a plan for us. 

I know that God has a great work for my husband to do, and that he has been called to heal people.

I also know that Jonathan won’t let God down.

I am thankful that I know and understand that faith is hard. 

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Having faith is like a long hard winter, but then the spring blossoms bloom.

Just like our family and my husband will in….

Logan, Utah.

I love you J.


April said...

Congratulations on making a decision (with God's blessing) and having a place you can now call HOME!

katie@tulsadetails said...

Congratulations! That is exciting! You'll be closer to your family, right? Hope it's a very easy transition for you all!

Kari said...

I can't believe you're moving back to where it all Utah! Congratulations!! Let's get the Moes Family here to visit us often!!!

Holly said...

Congratulations! I love Logan! Our little boy was adopted from Logan. I will always LOVE that little college town!

Krysta said...

Beautifully written. I am so excited for your family to be at this step! You and Jonathan have done a great job through this whole journey. I know he is just as proud of you too. I love you all!

Darlene said...

Congratulations! I just knew that's where you would end up :).

Nikki said...

I don't know you personally, and I was introduced to your blog years ago from a friend that was showing me one of your DIY projects. I have been following your blog religiously ever since. I am always amazed and touched by your posts and you definitely inspire me to strive to do better. I often tell people that I "read this on a blog" and I want to be just like her. I pray for faith like yours everyday and that I can be such a faithful member of the church. You also inspire me to be the best mommy I can to my sweet little 3 year old daughter!! I love to see all of the fun traditions that you do with your family. Lastly, I also love to see that you and your husband have such a great relationship. It has definitely helped me throughout some trials and a divorce. I can only pray that God will send me someone so special, that I can share my life with.
Congratulations on your blessing, and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!! I don't think we ever realize the impact we can have on people we don't even know!

Colleen said...

I just knew it might be Utah!! So excited for you and your adorable family!! your post was beautifully written. Jonathan is a lucky guy to have such support!!

StephZ said...

I am so thrilled for your family! And selfishly, I am very excited that we will get to see you when we visit my family in Logan.

Krista Openshaw said...

Your coming home huh? That's so exciting! It IS really hard to have your heart set on something and then getting a different answer than what you were expecting! I'm sure your parents are thrilled though! It won't take a plane ride to see you, just a few hours in the car. Maybe I'll see you around town when you are visiting Congratulations again! (Krista Moore)

Krista Openshaw said...

Your coming home huh? That's so exciting! It IS really hard to have your heart set on something and then getting a different answer than what you were expecting! I'm sure your parents are thrilled though! It won't take a plane ride to see you, just a few hours in the car. Maybe I'll see you around town when you are visiting Congratulations again! (Krista Moore)

KW said...

All I have to say is it is about dang time...

Unknown said...

Congrats, my friend! So happy you will be settling where it all began. :) I hope I get to see you before we head back to the east.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brandi said...

Congrats!!!! So excited for your family!!! Those pics are beautiful!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

what an exciting step for you and your family. i don't know how close logan is to your family, but what a blessing to be closer to them in some way.

K Wheeler said...

You don't know me but I read your wonderful blog through a friend and love it and your amazing creativity!!!
congratulations and I am sure you will love Logan and lots of snow in the winter.
I am from Logan and am relocating and selling my beautiful home. My home is actually in beautiful Hyde Park. I didn't know if you would be interested in looking at it??? It is a larger home on one acre with a beautiful view of the valley. It has fruit trees and water rights. The schools are the best in that area and you would fit in great with that ward with your talent. If you are interested let me know. I have not put it on the market yet but will be soon and would love to have you look at it if your interested. It is 10 min from the hospital area. I would love for your cute family to look at it so let me know.

Unknown said...

congrats on the decision! Ya'll will be happy there

Our Little Hatch Family !!! said...

Art told me last night that you had decided on Logan...I am excited for you to be near family again! Your post gave me chills just thinking about your adventure finally coming to a close...It is amazing how the Lord definitely has had a hand in our medical adventure as is a scary feeling at times in a way walking into the unknown...BUT what a blessing and a gift that our Loving Heavenly Father gives us in striving to have the faith it takes to take that step toward our future! I pray that this will end up being EVERYTHING you prayed for! Congratulations! I truly am so very excited for your new chapter in your families life! I know your family will be an incredible blessing and gift to those you come in contact with and around you, Congrats and Good Luck!

Andrea said...

K wheeler. I don't know how to contact you, but I would love to look at your home. We are coming to Logan in one week, and we are looking in the North Logan Hyde Park area. Please contact me.

Creative Cole said...

Congrats! You and your family will be blessed, HF has reasons for everything. It reminds me of the quote "I didn't say it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it". Hope your move and "home" in Logan will be brilliant! When ever you come to the valley, holler and we could craft together :)Thanks for sharing your experiences and your spirit through your posts. You are very talented!

Lorinda said...

Makes me happy to think of it all! What a journey...!

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