Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lessons learned from my hospital bed part 2:

I came to understand compassion more fully as I was laying in my hospital bed.

One particular morning,

my to-do list was:




and amazingly enough, I didn’t even know if I could do those 3 things.

At this point, I realized that I never truly understood how hard physical trials could be. 

I asked myself, “Have I been compassionate enough when others are going through tough times?”


I didn’t ask myself this because I didn’t receive compassion.  In fact, it was the complete opposite.  It was others compassion that reminded me that I could be better in this capacity.

I also found myself laying in that hospital bed feeling so discouraged while watching an hour of television.  In that one hour, there was more food commercials then I could name.  I started to feel so sorry for myself because at the time all I could eat was ice chips, apple juice, and Jell-O. 

Then wouldn’t you know a commercial for Disneyland showed up on the screen. I couldn’t even fathom being able to walk around Disneyland.  I realized that even though I was sitting in a hospital bed unable to eat or walk well; others lives were still going on around me. 

I asked myself again, “Have I been compassionate enough to those whose lives immediately change, while my life goes on around them?”

Once again, I have to tell you that I did not begin to think about compassion because it wasn’t shown to me.  In fact, I was given so much love that I was taught by others example.

The Savior was the greatest example of compassion to others.  With Easter weekend just past, I can’t help but think about how he was always showing so much love to others.  Although He was almost never shown the same in return.  Many did not show Him compassion at all, and yet; he never stopped loving.  I know that it is because of Him and His great compassion; that He was willing to die for me.  It’s because of Him that I get to live with Him again.

It’s because of Him and His great example that I know I have a lot of work to do in many capacities.

You might enjoy watching this film Because of Him.

One thing I will take away from all I have been through is to show more love and compassion to others.

The other day my kids had the movie soul surfer going.  Just after this young surfer lost her arm by a shark, she took a trip to Thailand to help others affected by the Tsunami in 2004.  She realized while on her trip that surfing didn’t matter as much as she thought it did.  Yes, she had lost her arm, but she realized that the people of Thailand had lost much also. Her compassion for the people of Thailand changed her, and she said this about compassion:

“Compassion can move us to do amazing things.”

I hope that as I strive to have greater compassion for others, I find myself doing amazing things.  Amazing things that aren’t about myself.

I am doing my best to think more of others; to become more like him.


Eileen said...

I love this post.

You always inspire.

I hope you are doing well.

Kathy@mishmashmom said...

Thank you for this. I needed it today.

Cole said...

So true! You are so inspiring! I just had a thought reading your post, I think HF gives us trials to not only challenge, bless us, but bless the lives of others. I am sure those who read this will count their blessings. :)
And I think eating nothing but jello for such a long time would get depressing too! At least they have lots of colors ;)
And I hope blessings unfold to you! <3

Cole said...
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