Thursday, April 5, 2012

Living one day at a time…

…and one day at a time has not found any time for this blog.  I really don’t have the time for it now, but I do want to record something.  When I look back at this blog, I want to remember why posts have been few over the past weeks.

Our life is a little busy right now.  It seems when life picks up, you always have to let something go.  I should have already let about 4 things go, but I am still working on that one. 

My blog seemed like the one thing that I just don’t have a whole lot of time for right now.

You see, we sold our house a little sooner than anticipated.  That means I have to start packing and organizing a little sooner than I anticipated. 


That also means that  we have to find somewhere to park ourselves for six weeks while we have no where to live.  I think I have it all figured out, but it also means bouncing between 3 locations.  Which makes packing a little bit more interesting.

In the meantime, while all those thought, worries, and stresses rattle around in my brain.  Life is still going on.


I am still mom to these four little cuties.  It is my goal to make their last 3 months here the best.

That is why we are still playing baseball.  Which is making our schedule CRAZY!! but worth it.

Jex Baseball-0062 

Baseball is one of those times, that my brain actually relaxes.  I really love being a baseball mom.  I enjoy sitting outside at the ball field.  It’s just getting there that seems a little stressful at times.

Jex Baseball-0049-2

sidenote: Jex has the best coach.  We love him, and how great he is with the kids. 

Jex Baseball-0052 Jex Baseball-0055

We will certainly miss playing ball with the Cardinals next year.

Jex Baseball-0057

Along with baseball and dance, we are still going on field trips, having sleepovers, class parties, playing with friends, and making time special with only a few more weeks in this house.

I still have lots of responsibilities that I am trying to uphold; in charge of the school fundraiser, church responsibilities, PTO meetings, photography clients, and photos to edit.  Here is a peak at a few that I desperately need to add to my photography blog, but I don’t have time for that either.

  Emma and Mason (45 of 66)

Bloch Family (40 of 80)

On that note: I am completely booked for the month of April, and will be taking May and June off.  Thanks to all those who have expressed interest in a session.  I apologize that I can’t take any more clients.

Not to mention, the housework still piles up.  Laundry seems to happen every. single. day. Oh, and someone always wants to be fed.  I can’t believe that they think I need to make them food; and when I do I always run out of groceries.  Then it is inevitable that I must go grocery shopping.

And then you have the Holidays that still go on, so we are making great plans for this Easter Weekend. It will be our last Easter in the house, so I want to make it special.

Easter 2012-0292

See my kids cute new baskets?  It was time.  Their old baskets were terrible.  I know, the last thing I need to do is make new baskets, but I didn’t want to pack the old ones.  Plus, they were simple.

Easter 2012-0293

My friend Marji helped me with the vinyl. Thanks Marji; the kids love them.

We did find a house in PA.  Now I am working on school registration, and all the fun that comes along with moving locations.

Did I mention that Jonathan took a moonlighting job to help with our moving expenses, and has been working a lot.

I also bought a Groupon clear back in September to print a digital scrapbook.  They are so expensive, and I got it at a great deal.  Well, I just read the fine print and I have to print it before April 15th.  Needless to say, I have been working like a madwomen to get Tessa’s baby book finished.  I am almost done.  Here is a peak at a few pages:

2 weeks old copy

2 weeks old 2 copy

Pat a cake copyPat a cake 2 copy

Did I say a few? Maybe a few more.

bath time with daddy copy

bath time with daddy 2 copy

Nine months old copy

Nine Months old 2 copy

Did I also mention that I was diagonosed with TMJ last week? (Do you think it could be stress related?) hee hee.

Oh.. and my favorite part.  The best part.  The only part that is helping me get through all of it, but also adds to the stress just a little.  We planned a little trip.  We happen to get home just days before we have to be out of our house.  However, we are going. It was already planned, pre-sale of the home.  We have been dying to go back to the place where our medical school journey began….


The island of Saba.  This was our home for 2 years, and I can’t wait to go back for a visit.  The kids are staying home with my parents.  Grandma and Grandpa have agreed to be the best grandparents ever and help with our kids, running them around, dance recitals(that happened to fall during our trip), baseball games, and any last minute house emergencies that may happen while we are gone.  My dad even asked if we will have things for them to work on when they come.  Oh yes dad, I will have nail holes to fill, paint to touch-up, curtains to take down.

I am grateful for parents.

I am also grateful for friends who will be helping us out over the next few months.

On this what I have learned Thursday… I guess I could say I am learning to live one day at a time.  Sometimes one moment at a time, but I am going to do it with a smile.  I am going to try and do it with less stress.  I am going to learn to let some things go.

…so dear blog and blogging world.  I will be seeing you.  It might be a while… before I make it back.



Kathy@mishmashmom said...

Woah! You are busy! Isn't it funny how life throws that at us every now and then. Congratulations on the sale of your house, and good luck with your move!

Ashley said...

You are one busy woman!!! I have two little ones and we will be spending a total of 5 days out of the week at the ball field...crazy but I love it!!! Oh and TMJ? I have it too and it's not fun at all. I had to get invisilign last year and will have it for another to hopefully correct my problem. Have a good weekend...I love reading your blog

KW said...

You are doing the right thing. Life will slow down some day and you will be able to do everything you want to do, but for right now there are things you can let go of and things that are staring you right in the face and you have to take care of. I wish I was closer to help out with something!!

Brunson's said...

Good luck with everything. That is such good news about your house though in this crazy economy. We have lots of friends that have had theirs on the market for a year now. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and parents are the greatest huh. I am so glad to have my mom so close with this baby number 3. Can't wait to hear about your fun trip and move. Take Care!

Becky said...

No way - you are going to Saba!?!? Take me with you!!! Jaron swears he'll never go back. I remember enough to not want to live there again but a week or two would be heaven! Say Hello to Paul at Shearwater (Willard's) for me!

Good luck with all you have coming up! Congrats on the quick sale of your home!!

valerie said...

all the best Andrea and family! Take it a day or a box at a time! he he...I moved 4 times over 9 years across state lines with 3 kiddos in school so I know how hard it can be. Don't be hard on what you can and enjoy it all. You can only do so much! The vacation will be a perfect time for you to relax and gear up for the weeks following the move. Hugs

Darlene said...

Congratulations on your house sale and good luck with the move! You will most certainly be missed! xo Please keep in touch!!

Emily said...

YAY! You sold your house! What a stress relief! Moving is the worst, but it's always exciting to start in a new place too!

And Saba! HOW EXCITING! I can't wait to see your pictures! David and I will be going to Saba in July! I'll be photographing the Governor's wedding and the whole island will be invited! We'll be staying at Shearwater Resort (formerly Willards) so we are very excited! I've already made reservations at a few of our favorite restaurants (we'll be there over our 15th anniversary and David'd birthday!) fun for both of us! Too bad we won't cross paths while we're there! Can't wait to hear about your trip!

Krysta said...

It is such a busy time anyway and then 100 extra things get thrown into the mix. I am feeling stressed for you! It is all working out though. I am glad you get to come stay with us!

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