Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter 2012-

We have had a nice weekend.  I really enjoy Easter.  We do our “Easter bunny” celebrating on  Saturday.  Then we celebrate the real reason for the holiday on Sunday.  We had a beautiful meeting at church.  I was once again reminded of how grateful I am for the Savior and his atonement. 

Here are a few pictures of yesterday’s celebrations:

Our traditional egg hunt:

Easter 2012-2012

The kids searching through their eggs to find their treasures.  Candy is good; but money is better.

Easter 2012-20121

A little egg dying:

Easter 2012-20122

(which seemed so much easier this year.  The kids are finally at a good age to do this.)

I had a photo shoot in the afternoon.  Jonathan had to work so the kids rode along in the car.  I decided to take a few of Tess while we were there.  I tried to get her to wear this bunny hat.  She really didn’t like it.

Easter 2012-16

…and our favorite part of the evening.  Our glow in the dark egg hunt.

Easter 2012-20123

I used glow sticks, folded in fourths, taped, and then stuffed inside the plastic eggs.  They thought it was so cool.  We let them hide them several times for each other.

I think this is our new tradition.

It was a beautiful weekend.

…and a little more about what this weekend means to me.  ENJOY!!!!


Jamie Lynn said...

Love the bunny ears hat! too cute! Your children are beautiful! I just found your blog and wanted to say hello! New follower! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Your family is just precious!

Stephanie said...

You are so great to your kids! I hope you are surviving! So glad you get to go back to Saba. Have a great time, and relax! I miss you lots! Wish I was around to help.

Becky said...

So fun! I love the glow in the dark Easter hunt idea. I was feeling kind of lame at Easter this year. But we did do Easter dinner with the Forreds, Bagleys, Dunlaps and Wilsteads! Wish you could've been there!

P.S. Jaron and I are writing his personal statement for res apps. If you have any advice, please do share!!

KW said...

Love the idea of the glow sticks in the eggs. Looks like it was a great Easter. Tess is looking bigger and bigger!

Krysta said...

So fun! I'm going to have to try the glow in the dark egg hunt next year. The kids would love it!

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