Today, we have been basking in the sun... I think I got a sunburn. It is 72 degrees outside. Yes, you heard me right. S E V E N T Y
T W O D E G R E E S, people. If you haven't
checked your calendar today, it happens to be December 19th. I guess that is the beauty of living in the South. I wonder what kind of weather our Western home is having. I bet it isn't 72 degrees.
So today, after Stella's school Christmas party; we played outside.
Isaac was in heaven. Outside, eating Oreos; what more could a kid ask for? When I mentioned that we would play outside, he almost couldn't eat his lunch; I spoke to soon.
Sometimes I forget that he is beginning to understand what I am saying.
Stella requested a walk to pick up rocks, so we did that too. Not just any rocks, but large ones. Large enough for her dad to throw while deer hunting. " Mom, these are big enough that they will knock the deer down right?" I guess she thinks that he is how he hunts, with large stones. Who needs a rifle? Why did we spend all that money for a new gun? Stella is giving you rocks for Christmas.
It was a great afternoon. The sunshine makes me happy.
I LOVE the the weather in November and December in the South! It always was around 70 degrees in Texas on Christmas day. Loved it.
Darling pictures BTW.
That sounds like such a fun day! I love afternoons like that. We are having a heat wave too, but tomorrow night is supposed to be cooling down. I've been jealous all day from everyone's snow back home. I loved your pictures!
Yay, you put a picture of you! I love that one of Stella and you.
Great post.
I wish I could have enjoyed today more! It was so nice to finally have some sun! But I ended up in bed all afternoon with a bad (hormonal) headache. Waah.
Hopefully it will shine some more tomorrow so I can go soak it up. :)
See you at breakfast!
Just thought I would let you know that I am back in Utah freezing my tail off! We have had not one but 2 major snow storms this week. It was a blizzard and no it was not 72 degrees! But I sure love those pics of the kids.
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