Stella started school yesterday. It was so exciting for her. She talked about it all weekend. She picked out her outfit the night before. She looks darling, however she picked the wrong shoes. She came home with blisters. OUCH!! The price of beauty.
I can tell that she is going to be so happy at her school. She will go 3 times a week, for 3 hours at a time. Just enough for her to gain a little independence. I am so happy for her, and so proud of how she handled it. I thought she may have a hard time. She didn't, just walked right in with a huge smile on her face. WAY TO GO STELLA!!!

Notice she doesn't have shoes on... those darn blisters.
Yah Stella! I am so excited for you! You look so cute in your school outfit, I am sorry you got blisters though. Love you!
How fun! What a great smile she has. It made me smile just to look at the pictures. :)
She looks so cute and proud! I love the confidence that shcool gives them (at this age anyway). Good luck with the routine...
Okay, first of all, Stella will forever remain 18 months old in memory. :) She is SO DANG cute and tall! I can't believe she started school!
She is such an Andrea "mini me." So cute and adorable!
Oh my little Stella bean is growing up, this post could definitely make me cry if I wanted it to. Stella is seriously looking so big, she isn't a little girl anymore. I am so sad.
Congratulations of your first day of school, Stella! The Hartman kids are all getting ready for school. Braden and Hailey will go on Mon. 25th and Tanner starts Kindergarten on Sept. 3rd. You will have good experiences at school. We think you are great!
The Hartman's
How did she just grow up in the last 3 months?! When you left she was still a little girl!! She's beautiful!
Such a sunshiney girl! What a fun time for Stella! Can't wait to hear about Jex's first day, either! (I keep wondering if you will just give in and home school! hee hee!)
Stella you looked so cute! I hope you have fun at preschool!
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