Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sharing the gospel through the internet.

This morning, I read a talk in the recent Ensign(a monthly magazine put out by the LDS church.) It made me even more excited about blogging. Often times, I feel guilty taking a small part out of my day to blog. There are many benefits from doing it:

1. I just love it.
2. I am recording a history(the purpose for all the blogging I do) I am using this as a journal.
3. A way to keep in touch with family and friends.
Now, I have a 4th reason and that is to share the gospel.

The article talked about taking time to share our testimony in the written form. For so many years only those who had the money and means to be published were. Books, newspaper, and radio have been the source for getting points, opinions and beliefs out to the masses. Now, we have the internet. The article was written by Elder M. Russell Ballard, and he had this to say "There are conversations going on about the church constantly. Those conversations will continue whether or not we choose to participate in them. But we cannot stand on the sidelines while others, including our critics, attempt to define what the church teaches....Now, may I ask that you join the conversation by participating on the Internet to share the gospel and to explain in simple and clear terms the message of the Restoration."

I am taking this as a challenge. I am going to find time in my life to share my testimony.

This week, I have been thinking so much about missionary work. I gave a lesson to the young women in the church about the sacrifices that missionaries make. Stella gave a talk in Primary on how we as members can be better missionaries, and we are feeding the missionaries from our area, in our home, on Thursday.(hmmm....what should I make?)

Anyways, I am amazed at the sacrifies that so many young men and women in our church make. It is so amazing that at such a young age they are so willing to give up time in their life to teach the gospel to those who may not have heard what we believe. I am so happy that they are able to share with others the truth about the Restoration of the Gospel. As a church we know that the same church that was on the earth when Christ was here has been restored to the Earth once again. The church that he formed with 12 apostles, and commandments for our own good...has been restored. I am thankful to be living in a time when I can rely on this truth. It makes so much sense to me. Why would Christ's church only exist while he lived on the earth? He set up the church for it to continue, and it does. I love knowing that.

I know that I also have the responsibility to share this truth with others. The Savior wants every sheep safely gathered in. We must help him in the gathering. It is easier said then done. It does take courage, but I do have a testimony that this is the plan. I believe that scripture in D&C that says "...if you but bring one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy."

The manual that the missionaries use in their preparation is called, "Preach my Gospel." The message in the front of the book makes me excited to share this message with others. It says: "We challenge you to rise to a new sense of commitment to assist our Father in Heaven in his glorious work. Every missionary(member) has an important role in helping "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39)

The Lord will reward and richly bless you as you humbly and prayerfully serve Him. More happiness awaits you then you have ever experienced as you labor among His children."

I am going to strive to be even better at sharing what I believe with others. I feel blessed to belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It truly is a wonderful blessing in my life.

For those of you seeking more information about the church please visit. www.mormon.org


Leila said...

Hello! You don't know me, but I found you through your sister's blog some time ago. I am embarrassed to admit that I have been "following" your family for months. I live in San Diego and I am a friend of Kristin's. In fact, she tells me that I remind her of you! What a compliment! I have even started telling my friends about your great decorating, recipes, and digital scrap booking. Amazing! Anyway, your blog as strengthened my testimony and I while I feel like somewhat of a peeping tom, I feel blessed to have found someone like you on the net. I have recently been through some challenges and reading your blog, hearing your testimony helped me to be a better a mom, a better wife, and a better daughter of God through it all. One post about faith and your challenges was especially inspiring. So, thank you! I consider you a friend although we have never met. Well, actually, we did meet once when you were in San Diego, but it was brief. Anyway, I think you have inspired me all the way into making my own blog, so wish me luck! Now, I am just rambling....and I feel silly. So, thanks again, you never know who or how you will inspire someone, but you do! By they way, I am your harmless stalker named Leila Cahill. I have three children Courtney (10), Eleri (6), and Beckett (18 months). I wonderful husband is Todd. We met in Young Women's in San Diego. I was serving at the time as president and Kristin was my 1st counselor.

Leila said...

Just to edit and add. YOU and I met in San Diego. I met my husband years ago....another time, another place. Gosh, this is getting sillier and sillier. I'm sorry! I will quit hijacking your blog now and get to work on my own!!

The Adamson Chipmunks said...

Andrea, Hello! This is your old friend Kami (Carling) Adamson. I found your blog through my sister's and your sister's blogs! Your family is so adorable! I can't believe how much Stella looks like you! So so so cute! I am glad that you are doing so well!

The Adamson Chipmunks said...

Would you mind e-mailing me your e-mail address so that I can invite you to my blog? It is private. My e-mail is: kami.adamson@highspeedutah.com

Ann Kerr said...

What beautiful comments about sharing the Gospel. That's exactly what Alison and I are going to be talking about in our presentation at BYU next month. I had alread made a slide of Elder Ballard with pictures and comments he made at a recent speech. The Ensign article just reinforced it. You, and all the other young mothers, are really setting a great example. Keep it up. Your blog is beautiful.

Boyd said...

Andrea, I love reading your blog! You have an incredible testimony, thanks for sharing it and inspiring me to do the same. Have a great day!

Eileen said...

WOW! You are amazing. That's all I have to say.

Krysta said...

You are such a great example!!

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