Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I have been thinking about the role that women play in the life of others. It is pretty significant. Women do have such a divine purpose in life. I am thankful for a Mother who taught me the importance of knowing that I am a Child of God, and that I do have purpose. It helps me stay in check when I do feel the pressures of life. I remember that I am of worth, and my hectic life is part of that great eternal gift of being a woman, wife, and mother. Mother's Day is such a good day for reflection, and reminder that what we do as women is important. I don't think that you have to be a Mother to celebrate this day!! All women every where "Mother" in some way. It may be through serving others, teaching someone else's child, or smiling at someone at the grocery store. All of these small acts are part of the instincts that we as women are programmed with. I am thankful that Heavenly Father gave us these divine instincts that help us fulfill our role as women.
I am thankful for all the women in my life whose example blesses me and my family on a daily basis. My Mother is such a good example to me, and helped my desire to be a stay at home mom. She was always baking, cooking, and making fun projects with us as children. As I get older, I realize how hard she worked to be frugal, and find ways to save money when it was tight. Her example has helped me when money gets tight while in Medical school. Mothers are so important. Her example, has then affected my children in a round about way. Thanks MOM!!
I am thankful for a great Mother-in-Law who has accepted me as one of her own. I appreciate her, and her love for me. She is a great example of giving. She will give and give and give, and is always the last to receive. What a great Woman.
OUR CHILDREN ARE BLESSED WITH GREAT WOMEN IN THEIR LIFE!! I was also blessed with wonderful Grandmothers, and even wonderful Great Grandmothers. All of these women have helped the cycle to continue, with a world full of Wonderful Women.

Thanks to all you wonderful women in my life. Sisters, Friends, Teachers, Grandmothers and Mothers. You have made me who I am today.

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Krysta said...

Happy (late) Mother's Day! I'm so glad to be a mother with you and to have you there, always being such a great example to me! I love and miss you and can't wait to see you! :)

Pam said...

Thank you for all that you said about being a mother!! You are a great mother and I can only hope that some of the great traits you have as a mother may have come through me!! I am so lucky to have you as a daughter and a best friend, I learn so much from you too!!

Carrie said...

Your kids are so darn cute! I love this picture! Also, I came across the website "" and it is an interior designer's site. Maybe you have seen it. She does some cute things, but none of it is nearly as cute as the things that you do. Would you consider making a blog with your rooms & projects that you do? Especially when you trick out your new house? I know you have enough to do, but maybe if you find a spare moment in these next couple of years, I know I would LOVE to see it all & try to beautify our home similarly. I know I'm not alone in that too.
Hope all is well with you! xo

Jessica said...

Thanks for the wonderful post--we hear so much negative stuff that it's great to hear positive, uplifting words about our most important responsibility. You are a great mother & I look up to you!

Lacy said...

that is the cutest picture of your kids! I really like reading your blog. You've been tagged on mine.
Have a wonderful day!

Lindsey Jensen said...

That is a wonderful post! I am so glad that we are able to read each others blogs. It has been forever since I have seen you! I'm glad everything is going well with you family. You kids are absolutly adorable! You are an amazing mother, I can tell! Happy late Mothers Day!

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