Friday, February 22, 2013

Mountains to Climb.

I know I have been MIA lately.

We have had a lot going on around here. 

I will be back to share little snippets of what has been happening in the JandA&Co. household as of late.

For now, I share with you the message my father sent to me this morning.

As we all have mountains to climb; I hope this brings you strength, and the courage you need to climb them.

For those of you who don’t know, our church puts together these videos as messages of encouragement and hope.

The thoughts come from the leaders of our church.

The messages where shared during one of our bi-yearly conferences which we get the privilege to listen to via satellite, internet, television or radio.  These talks are heard all over the world.

Then these small videos are put together as a reminder of some of the most poignant thoughts shared; as a way to share them with others.

This talk is poignant to me at this time; so I am sharing it with YOU.

Thanks Dad for sharing it with me.


Creative Cole said...

Thank you for sharing that video...sniff sniff :)

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