Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What I have learned. {Servants}

Remember this series on JandA&Co.?  Well, every now and again I will bring it back.

This lesson I recently learned was definitely worth sharing.

I attend a mothering class twice a month with a group of Christian women.

It has been a huge blessing in my life.

It is taught by Linda Shultz Anderson.

I usually learn gospel truths specifically from the leaders of my own church.

However, it has been nice to learn more about parenting on a Christian level from other Christians and then add my own beliefs.

There are many many good people out there with so much to teach us; regardless of what faith we belong to.

I wanted to share something that I have learned from this group with you:

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So much of mothering is Servanthood.

Jesus is the perfect example of service.

I think about the hours that I spend in my kitchen or laundry room serving my family.

Many times I begrudgingly do these things.

It is a lot of work to prepare dinner, serve it and clean it up.

Do I do it because I want to, or because 5 hungry people need to eat and might eat me alive if I don’t?

I am learning that I should do it because I want to serve my family.

Some of the most ordinary things reveal more than anything what we are made of.


I made this printable to share with you.  If you want it click on the image to download.

The Savior’s example has taught me about the type of servant I should be.

I often think of the Savior washing the disciples feet.

His ordinary was using a towel, a little water, and his hands.

I use those things in my life everyday, but do I do it with the same feeling as the Savior?

I can be ordinary, and use towels, water and my hands with a smile.

I believe that it was easy for Jesus to serve others.  He remembered from whence he came.

In order for us to serve like the Savior, we too must remember where we came from.


If we also remember where our children came from it often becomes easier to serve them.


Raise your hand if there are days that come dinner time you have nothing left to give; you are tired of the whole servant role.

I had to pause from typing.  Yes, I raised my hand.  In fact, I raised both of them.

This is why remembering where we came from is so important.

Remembering God’s unconditional love for us.


His love makes it possible for us to have an overflow for others.

When we have nothing left to give, we can ask God to give us his love for the rest of the day.

When we do, and take the time to serve our family with love; we teach our children to be servants also.

Which is what God wants for all his children.

We are raising servants for the Lord.

Healthy servanthood should begin at home; with parents as the teachers.

…and my favorite message of all:

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This servant season will not last forever, our children will grow up to serve us and others.


carrie said...

Thank you for this post Andrea! So beautifully said and such a great message. Thank you and merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!!

Tara said...

This post was perfect for me today. Thank you! Love you!

Becky said...

Loved this! Exactly what I needed to hear today! My struggle is finding a balance between being wrapped up in serving my kids and making time to just "be there" for them. Thanks for the thoughts, Andrea!

Holly said...

Boy did I need to hear this tonight! THANK YOU SO much Andrea for the beautiful reminder!

Unknown said...

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Serving is hard, hard work, and I'm not always very cheerful when it comes to the neverending servitude that is motherhood. The Savior spent his whole life serving others without one complaint. I should follow his example. Thanks for the great post!

Heather said...

Love this post! This is just what I needed to hear :)

Letti said...

Love this, I never really thought of it like this. It does change things. Thanks for sharing this.

Jamie said...

You inspire me so much:) Thanks Andrea

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