Monday, September 10, 2012


It has been a long hard year for me, personally.

I have been wondering if I would ever feel like myself again.

I was acting like myself, doing all those things in life that I normally do; but I just wasn’t feeling it.

By doing all those things, I kept thinking that I would somehow be happy again.

I have come to learn what it takes to be truly happy, and I am happy to say….

Today, I woke up and I feel like me.

What changed?


Over the last few months, I have been taking small steps and giant leaps back in to the arms of our Heavenly Father.

Somehow, in the midst of the chaos and running around; I slowly turned my back.

He never left my side, I just forgot to take his hand.

What a lesson I have learned.

Having the light of Christ burning inside me is what makes me ME.

I am so thankful I realized it before my light grew so dim that I couldn’t even recognize ME.

His light is burning bright again.


I feel happiness and joy inside.

True happiness.

While on my journey, I found this quote.  It inspired me to make changes and helped me on my journey to find ME again.

Divine Light

I am so thankful that the desire to do good and be good is given to every man.  It’s what reminds us where we came from and where we want to go back too.  We all have the desire to have that light, we just have to stop and make room for it. 

When we do, we get more light.

I am grateful not to be walking through the fog today.

I just had to shout it from the roof top today.

With the help of Heavenly Father’s love (and a lot of patience) he helped bring back…



Brandi said...

Glad u r back to your happy self again! I can relate big time! Thanks for sharing!!

April said...

I never really talked about it much at the time but I walked through a dark period of time shortyly after my first child was born. I know a big part of it was the baby blues but it did seem to linger. Nothing serious but it all came down to the fact that I was not feeling close to God at all. I wasn't praying and I wasn't reading his word and more important, I wasn't going to church like I should have been. When I finally realized why I was so down I started going back to worship and being around other believers and it made all the difference in the world. Glad you found your way back to Him.

Unknown said...

I think we all go thru this several times in our lives. I love that His strength and love has reigned you back again, as it always will.

Kari said...


Pam said...

Glad you shared, we all have hard times, glad you feel the light!

Rogerson's said...

Glad to hear you're feeling some clarity, I've hit those lulls before. But for what its worth, you do a pretty amazing job even in your lulls juggling packing, moving, traveling, kids, and much much more that plenty of people couldn't handle in 10 years, let alone in 10 weeks :) Even helping a whole bunch of the rest of us with how well you handle all that change, so thanks for your example!

Rogerson's said...

Glad to hear you're feeling some clarity, I've hit those lulls before. But for what its worth, you do a pretty amazing job even in your lulls juggling packing, moving, traveling, kids, and much much more that plenty of people couldn't handle in 10 years, let alone in 10 weeks :) Even helping a whole bunch of the rest of us with how well you handle all that change, so thanks for your example!

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