Wednesday, January 21, 2009

TWO funnies...

1.  Jex had has school honor roll program the other day.  They awarded the kids for completing skills, and for working on skills.  Along with those awards, they handed out certificates for perfect attendance in the first semester.  I succumbed to the fact, and hung my head in shame knowing that Jex wouldn't receive that award.  He had never been tardy, but we pulled him out for a few days to take a vacation.  However, much to my surprise they called his name and he got the attendance certificate.

He came and sat back down, and I was thinking to myself well they must have been mistaken. We were sitting next to the principal.  She leaned over to Jex and said, "I am so proud of you, I didn't even make it to school every day last semester."  Jex said, "I know, and I only missed two days of school." 

She got this dumb-founded look on her face, and I proceeded to explain.  She put her hands over her mouth and said, "don't tell anyone."

So here is our perfect-attendance fraud in all his glory.  He really was so thrilled. He didn't deserve it, but he thought he did.

January 2009 006

2.  Conversation with the kids:

Jex: "Today is  a day for history."

Me: "Why?"

Jex: "Because in all our history we have only had white-skinned Presidents, and today we got our first black-skinned President."

Me:  "You are right."

Jex:  "and I don't care about that because I learned about Martin Luther King Jr.  In a poem, he wrote about how he wanted peace though all the land.  Even if you are black-skinned, white-skinned, man or women.  And you know mom, there has never been a women in that NOBLE office."

Stella:  "Well, I better go there then."

hahahaha  I laughed till I cried. I hope she makes it to the Noble office.


Eileen said...

You have the worlds sweetest kids! I love reading your posts. And I would SO love to go to the movies with you. Could we meet half way? :)

Becky said...

That is TOO FUNNY!! I love it when kids crack me up. We sure miss you, Jex and Stella! Thanks again for all your help lately Andrea! It was so good for Jaron to talk to Jonathan the other day. We were talking about what a sacrifice it was for him to take time out of the few precious hours he's home with your family. Thanks you guys!!

Emily said...

That is hilarious! I hope Stella makes it to the NOBLE office too!

Leila said...

That is C-U-T-E. Thanks for sharing.

The Dooley Family said...

Wow!!! I miss your children so much!! I can totally see them saying stuff like that!!! How precious! :o)

Krysta said...

That's funny!

Lorinda said...

Way to go JEX! And Stella will make it to the Noble office... of a mother. I wouldn't wish anyone I love to have to be the pres of the USA. Love You! What do you say we meet in the middle for an after-bedtime movie?

Jerald and Lorene said...

How fun is all of that?! I'm glad you have recorded it; so much slips into the back of our memories. Good job, Andrea!

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