Today is the day... my baby is one. WOW!! It has gone by so fast. I have enjoyed every minute of him...except for the new found screaming.
We have had a "One"derful Morning. We opened his gifts, and then had crepes for breakfast. He blew his candle out(with help from mom.) I put it in his crepe. I also let him have a smoothie for the first time this morning. He was in heaven.

We will have a nice One year old party for him when my sister comes for a visit. Complete with a Froggy cake., for a "toadally" great birthday.
I will share one thing I love about him, because he is one. There are many more, but here is my favorite.

I love when he wraps his arms around my neck, and buries his head in my shoulder. It is the sweetest love I have ever had from a baby. He has such a sweet countenance about him, and he shows it through his loves.
Happy Birthday Isaac!! We Love you.

Yah, I am so excited to come out!! He is getting so big!!
I can't believe that he is already one!! Time sure does fly! Happy Birthday Issac!
He is getting so big. So much since you left here. His looks are changing a little. He's a cutie though! Gideon just learned to scream too. About EVERYTHING. Happy Birthday Isaac!
Andrea-didn't you just come over to my house, sit at my table and tell me that you were 5 weeks pregnant(with Issac)?!!! Wow! Time flies! Happy 1st B-Day Issac! We love and miss your smiley face!
happy birthday bud, I can't believe you are one. That year has flown by...I was able to be there when you were born.
Happy Birthday Isaac! Great pictures too!
Happy Birthday Isaac! He looks so grown up in those pictures! That completes your crazy birthday month... :)
Happy Birthday "one"derful one!! We love little Isaac. He probably will scream when we finally get to visit because he will not know us. He is changing so much. I remember the cute little one year old his daddy was. Enjoy him! It passes quickly. Thanks for sharing.
Grandma Lorene
happy birthday little one. Can't wait to be with all of you in a few days. looing forward to seeing the kids and hoe much they have grown. I enjoyed reading about their first days at school and what an adventure it can be. It reminded me of you girls and your growing up days.
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