Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Are you sick of my projects yet?

Well get over it.

I am nesting.  I am trying to make time pass quickly.  My Best Friend is in labor as we speak.  I am so ready.  Well sort of ready.  I like the sleep that I am getting right now, but I could use with a little less butt pain.(siatic nerve)

So here is what I did today.

I know I just posted all those fun Halloween things, but today I played Design Re-Mix.  Do you ever play that?  It is one of my favorite past times.  ( you know the game where you switch items in your house around, and put them in a new spot?)

Well, if you haven't played it, you should.  It feels so good to see something that you are getting a little tired of in a new spot.

I decided that I wanted my whole mantel to look fun and Halloweenish.  I pulled out a picture that I have saved for inspiration.  Here was the inspiration:


Here is what I came up with.  I wanted to use pumpkins, and the black plates.  However, I also wanted a ton of glass containers.

WHole Mantel


Here is what I did:

I had the glass containers.  I added the real pumpkin inside the apothecary jar. 

The three black candlesticks I recently bought at an antique store for $4 for all 3. 

I wanted them black so I used a little spray paint.

The dishes are my dishes. 

The little balls are Christmas ornaments from the dollar Store.

The skull was also a Dollar Store find.

Details 2

Also had all the class containers, just added some candles from my stash and flowers I already had.

I already had the black candlestick.

I also had the black ball, and I just set it on top of one of my mugs from my dishes.

The plate in the back says boo.  I wrote that myself with a dry erase marker, on the plate that I already had.  Did you know that you can wipe it off later, and write something else?  I love dry erase markers.

Oh, and you can't forget the white lights that I added for effect.  My kids love it.

Entry way

Remember this big plate?  Well it used to adorn my mantel.  It is my favorite piece up there.  However, it just doesn't go with Halloween.  It was driving me crazy. 

I love it there at Christmas, but for now it will adorn my entry way table.  With the pumpkin light in front, it actually makes it look a little spooky.  Then I moved the spooky tree.  Oh how I love Halloween.  MOM WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?

TOTAL FOR THIS DESIGN RE-MIX:  $ 7.00  and a little ingenuity.


Okay just a few more projects today.  Notice that my windows now have curtains?

Well I made them today.  Here is a better view:

WIndows Dressed

Got this fun silky fabric today at Walmart, on the dollar table.  I needed two yards for both windows.  A little ribbon for .84 cents a yard and two tension rods. 


Okay one more:

Boys Window

I finally finished the boys curtains.  It is nothing fancy, but I wanted them to be simple.  I hunted for the perfect fabric.  I wanted Orange and Masculine.  I came up with burlap.  It was only $1.50 a yard, and that is all I needed.  I already had the rod.


Well, I should take it easy now.  Hopefully I can think of something to do tomorrow.  It feels good to cross things off my list. 

Did I mention that I cleaned my house spic and span also?

WHAT A DAY... but I loved every minute of it.


Lacy said...

FUN! I would love a day like that. and the dollar fabric section rocks!

Tara said...

WHEW! You are one busy lady! I cannot believe how much you are getting done these days! Thanks for all your fun posts - I love all your beautiful ideas!

KW said...

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!! I don't do anything and I have had a smooth pregnancy. You are making me feel like a lazy butt.

The Painters said...

I'm not sick of them! I love your sense of style and you always give me such great ideas! I'm pretty sure I am going to go home and redecorate my house!

Carmen Moes said...

Wow girlfriend!!! I can't believe you did all of that while I was laboring! You did more in one day then I did the whole last week of my pregnancy! Way to go...now I agree with Kristin. Time to be lazy like the rest of us. :)

melissa said...

As always, you are so creative. I was showing one of my friends all your cute halloween decorating. We are hoping to hear some exciting baby news soon!

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