In our church, we dedicate Monday nights to what we call FHE; or Family Home Evening.
We use that time to be home together as a family, doing activities, learning about the gospel, and having treats. It’s one of my favorite nights.
Here is a fun little November activity for a Family Home Evening of your own.
The Thankful Jar

The best part about this activity is that it kicks off an activity that continues through the month of November to remind us all about Gratitude.
What you will need:
Mason Jar
Copy of each print I have included here
You can kick off the activity with a prayer, and then read this story about a woman named Borghild Dahl; found in this article.
Following the story, pass out this printable for each person and have your family fill it in with everything they are thankful for A to Z.(click on the pictures to take you to the download)
Once you brainstorm about those important A to Z thankful’s in your life, then you can create this cute little Thankful jar together as a family.

You will need to make a copy of each page that I have included here:
Start by cutting out the tag and just 2 feathers. You will only need to make one jar per family, but you could always make more for your friends to do also.
Start by wrapping some cute twine or string around your jar and tying it off.

Once you have cut the feathers, you bend them down the line of the feather to make them stand a little 3D. Use a dab of hot glue at the bottom of the feather to attach them to your jar.
Wrap another piece of twine around the top part of your jar, and then attach the tag and tie it off.

Your thankful jar is complete.
Now is the time for the important part. You use this next print which you will need several copies of.
You will need to cut these apart.
Each time a member of your family thinks of something they are thankful for, then they fill it out on the slip of paper and slip it in the jar.
By the end of the month, you should have a very full jar.
On Thanksgiving day, dump them out, and read all about your family’s gratitude.
I wish I had a jar full of thankful’s to show you, but I am starting this with the fam tomorrow for FHE myself.
Enjoy!! Happy Thankfuls.
I would love to see photos of your thankful jars all complete.