Thursday, November 8, 2012


Some friends come and go.  I have a friend who has been a constant in my life for the last 13 years.  She has been a part of my life almost as long as my husband.  We have been there for each other through everything.  Eight babies, several moves, new jobs, good days and bad days.

Krysta came this last weekend to hang out with me and my family.  It was so fun to have her here.


I was so excited seeing her red suitcase in my house.  What a blessing it is to have a soul sister. 

Normally, we take a whole bunch of pictures.  This time we took a few with our phones.  OH. MY. GOODNESS.  what are these two photographers thinking? 

It has been almost a year since we were together.  Probably the longest we have gone without seeing each other.  We were just savoring the moments.

We spent most of the weekend at home.  That’s what Best Friends do when they just need to catch up.

Here is a few fun moments spent together; some pics taken with my phone some with Krysta’s.


Eastern Market.  This is where I buy all my produce.  It is one of my favorite parts about living in the East.  I love buying my produce from local farmers.  It is fun to see the Mennonite and Amish people working there.

Krysta and I even ate lunch there; a first for me.  Homemade chicken pot pie.  YUM!!!


We made homemade funnel cake for a treat.  Krysta and I love food.  That is one of my favorite things about here.  I know she will always go back for seconds with me.  We also love treats.  A homemade treat is a must when we are together.


Krysta took our family photos.  Thanks girl.  I love them.  Once I edit them, I will be sharing them so stay tuned.


We watched movies and got caught up on our favorite show.  A love that we both share.  I won’t go in to details, but it does have a couple cute actors in it. Who may or may not be Vampires.

…and then we said goodbye.  I miss you girl.  Can’t wait to come your way.


Thanks for the great week, and the reminder why I love you so much.


Colleen said...

aww sounds like a fun visit! now I am starving after seeing that delicious looking chicken pie!

Eileen said...

Nothing like a great BFF! You are both awesome!

Stella said...

Good tor ead you had a fab week and precious memories. You must miss her and the house will be empty... Looking forward to more family pics:)

Beth Curtis said...

so fun! I am glad you guys were able to connect again. There is nothing like girlfriends.

Kari said...

Two photographers together...I'm surprised that you didn't take, like, 500 pictures...

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