
Friday, March 16, 2012

Birthday Gifts Week {gives from the past and a giveaway}

Today, I am going to share a few links to some fun gift ideas that I have given in the past.

…and I also have a great giveaway.

This is a sweet little stationary tray that we gave for Birthday’s last year.


The year before that, we made a homemade apron, and passed along a recipe for cookies made from a cake mix.


We included the cake mix with the gift. I can’t seem to find the post about this.  It was much to long ago.

Birthday Apron

This sweet monkey shirt was made for my adorable nephew.

monkey gift

I have also enjoyed making framed monograms to give to friends.  Here are a few that I made.

Frame for Becky 2


I have also given these away as a gift to a neighbor or a friend when you just want to say hi, thank you, or cheer them up.


I am leaving you with one last homemade gift idea.  Except you don’t have to make this one. 

Tess skirt (2 of 6)

Remember my sister and her cute shirts?  Well today she is giving away a skirt to one lucky J and A & Co. reader.

Tess skirt (3 of 6)

Please visit her site, and leave me a comment about how much you want the skirt and why.

I will pick the winner, on Monday March 19th in the afternoon.

I ordered this skirt for my little miss, and I just love it.

Tess skirt (4 of 6) 

She also made the shirt to go with it.

Tess skirt (5 of 6) 

The skirt comes in several colors.

She is also giving 10% off to you.  Mention my name when you place your order.

Visit her here or here. or contact her at lindsaydrobbins@gmail.com

Thanks Lindsay, and thanks to all my awesome readers.

I truly love you and appreciate all your sweet comments and emails.  A nice email or comment from a friend really does make me day.

P.S.  Don’t forget to leave me an email address.


  1. I have been reading your blog for some time now, I actually went all the way back to the beginning and I enjoyed every last post. Thank you for sharing so much with your readers! I enjoy your photos and envy your talents. Thank you for the opportunity to win this adorable little skirt, my little girl would just love the fun and frilliness of it, with spring just around the corner it's perfect!

  2. Your creative brain makes me tired.
    I'm glad the world has you.

  3. love the skirt! i reminds me of spring too. the yellow is great and bright! my little one would love a fancy skirt!

  4. It is so cute. The yellow is bright and springy. I just had my 4th little girl so the skirt would be well loved and passed down through them all. Thanks for the opportunity.


  5. I absolutely LOVE your blog and would be so happy to WIN this beautiful SUNSHINEY skirt so that I could give it to my sweet sister-in-law, who lives on the other side of the country for her little girl Libby... it would be such a fun, sweet gift!

  6. i would love to win a skirt for Averi :) I love all your birthday present ideas!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. thank you so much for all your gift ideas this week! i can't wait to try some of them out.
    those skirts are the most adorable things ever! i would LOVE LOVE to win one... there are 3 cute girlies in this household :) the yellow one would be perfect for spring.
    thank you for sharing your creative ideas with all of us!

  9. Darling! I love all your gift ideas. It would be much appreciated if you shared your mothers/fathers day gift ideas as well ;) i seem to struggle in that department. I love blog stalking you! Thanks!

  10. That skirt is adorable!! I love the yellow and would love this for my daughter, mainly because she can't ever have enough ruffles! I know she would be so proud to wear this :)


  11. Your sister makes the cutest stuff!! I love that yellow skirt! I have four little girls and they are all super girly, a skirt like that would be worn and very loved at my house :)

    I also love all of your gift ideas!! :)

  12. So adorable!!! Talent runs in your genes!! Love, love, love the ruffles!!! My niece would be adorable in this!!

  13. My little girl would look adorable in that skirt! Ruffles & the color yellow make it perfect! Your sister makes so many adorable things!

  14. What a fun recap of gifts. I remember all of them. Time goes so fast because I don't feel like it was that long ago, but I guess it was.

    I want that skirt! It would be perfect for a spring photoshoot.

  15. What a fun recap of gifts. I remember all of them. Time goes so fast because I don't feel like it was that long ago, but I guess it was.

    I want that skirt! It would be perfect for a spring photoshoot.

  16. Very cute! I would love to have the skirt! It would look so cute ok my granddaughter who is 4. Also thank tou for all the wonderful birthday gift ideas!

  17. I have a 3 year old that is going through the "I can only wear skirts" phase....I would LOVE to add this to her limited supply! I LOVE your blog! Thanks for your creativity and your openness and honesty!

  18. My sweet niece will turn 6 in June. How great would this skirt be for a gift for her birthday?

    I love all your ideas. Your site has quickly become one of my go-to sites for inspirations! Thanks!


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