I have been a little MIA. Christmas parties, photo shoots, photo editing, class Christmas parties and all the traditions with the kiddos have kept me from blogging. I haven’t minded. Tis the season.
This is what we have been up to.
Lots of parties.
I hosted a My favorite things party with my friend Marji. We had a great night, complete with a hot chocolate bar.

I helped with four classroom parties and prepared a Christmas lunch for the teachers. I love being at the school with my kids. It’s the best place to serve.
We went out to see the lights for family home evening.

Garvin Gardens is a family tradition. It is beautiful.

The kids look forward to it every year.

The kids are always mesmerized by how many lights there are.

This is our last year at Garvin Gardens. It was one of those strange moments thinking that we would never do this again.

This year, the kids wanted to have a friend Christmas party. The kids each invited over a few classmates for pizza, games, and fun.

The kids made a snow globe out of a mason jar, small trees, and glitter.
We played bingo and play dough Pictionary.

Then we frosted and sprinkled cookies; homemade sugar cookies for Santa.
I have still been working some. I have enjoyed all the work, although it does keep me very busy. I am behind on updating my photography blog. I still have so many shoots to post. I promise to get updated soon.
Last but not least, we are still getting ready for the day when the big man flies. I still have some more wrapping to do, and a little cooking.
I think these little elves are ready.

This one is still trying to decide if he is going to be naughty or nice.

I think he will make the right choice.
I will be back after the Holidays.
Merry Christmas to all… and to all a good night.