
Saturday, December 6, 2014


This time of year is always full of some sort of event or party.

That’s part of the wonderfulness(is that a word?  well, I like it so I’m using it) of this time of year and it’s how we establish traditions and memories.

The Swenson House has been full of a few fun events over the last few weeks.

We spent the weekend before Thanksgiving putting out all the Holiday Hoopla.

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I wanted it all done before the events started.

Then we started the week of Thanksgiving off with enjoying time with my extended family.

My parents came up for the entire week.  What had a great week.

It truly is such a blessing to have family close.

Then the rest of my family came up for Thanksgiving and stayed the weekend in our home.

I am so thankful for a home to share with my family.  What a blessing it is to have a place that everyone can come and enjoy being together. 

I thank God often for a home to share with my family.  I love all the laughter, noises, and even messes that come along with sharing my house with my family.  Yes!! I said messes.  I know y’all are surprised to hear that coming from me.  It amazes me how messes bother me less the older I get. 

There came a time when the kids spent all day long building forts in my basement.  I have to say that will be something I treasure for a long time to come.  It does my heart good to know that traditions and memories were made in my home for my kids and their cousins.

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My family has not all been together for Thanksgiving for at least 12 years.

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It was fun to come back together; each of us bringing our favorite recipes to share.

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What a treasure to all work together and create something so delicious.

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We spent the weekend together black Friday shopping, going to the movie, playing games, talking and laughing.

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It was nice to share with each other the things we are thankful for.

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I am thankful for the:

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We also held our second annual Favorite Things Party.

This is now a family tradition.

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A party photo booth is a must.

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Cousins exchange favorite treats, and adults exchange a few of our favorite things.

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My favorite part is guessing whose favorite is whose, and watching cousins share their treats.

This has been a fun addition to our family.

Although our oldest child is 12, we are really just beginning to create our family traditions with our extended family.  We have lived away since we started growing our family.  It is nice to be back and add some cousin traditions to the mix.

Once the weekend was over, and everyone had headed home…

Boo Hoo…

we began to prepare for the following week.

Monday, December 1st, had big plans for our little Tessa Mae.

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She spent her morning at the hospital having her tonsils out.

It has been 6 days, and today has been the hardest for her by far.

She has been so tough and brave.

I have spent this week snuggling her, and watching lots of movies with her.

La La loopsy, Strawberry Shortcake, and Daniel the Tiger have become good friends of mine.

I had big plans for all I would get done, but snuggling her has been much more fun.

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So here I finally sit at my computer sharing the goings on of the last few weeks. FINALLY…

…and hoping to share some photos of the Christmas decorations next week.

I hope your December has been wonderful thus far…

…full of exciting and memorable events.

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