
Friday, November 28, 2014

What I am most grateful for this time of year…

The Atonement

The thing I am most grateful for in my life is an understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

My understanding of the Atonement grew much deeper as I went through many health struggles and surgeries this past winter.

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Yes! before all of that happened, I knew that the Savior had suffered deeply and understood my pain.

However, I began to understand more fully that he also understood my sorrows, and grief as well.

He suffered and felt all of those different realms of pain.

Although my physical pain was immense from all that I went through, my emotional suffering was even greater.

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I felt so much guilt over what I couldn’t do anymore, sorrow that I couldn’t help my kids, and sadness that my body didn’t work quite right.

When I let it go and turned it over to my Savior, it made my experience so much easier.

Turning it over wasn’t easy.  It took faithful prayer each day.

My prayers were that I could accomplish my days without guilt and sorrow. It took a lot of pleading for his help, and hand in my day. Many prayers were offered every day.

The gift of the Atonement made my struggles much lighter during that time in my life.

…and everyday beyond that experience it has helped with my struggles, guilts, and sorrows.

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When I remember to call upon my Savior for help, my days seem lighter.

Our struggles are given to us to refine us.  Our struggles most often, if we allow them, can make us grow and become better.

It is never easy to struggle, but with the Savior’s help we can get through them.

Hopefully we will be changed for the better.

We all have experienced pain in our life.

But pain for all of us comes in different forms.

I recently stumbled on this quote:

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“….the cavity which suffering carves into our souls will one day also be the receptacle of joy.” Neal A. Maxwell.

{this quote came from this must read talk}

I know there is a lot of suffering going on in the world.

Isn’t it nice to know that there is someone who understands our pain.

As my understanding about the Atonement has grown deeper over the months and years, my love for the Savior grows and grows.

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More importantly, I understand more fully his love for me.

His love for me regardless of my shortcomings and faults.

Regardless of my poor decisions, and stupid mistakes.

…and because of his love I can’t wait to run into his arms and thank him; to rest in the comfort of his arms and love.

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I have this amazing and brave friend.

Her pain has been deep over the last year.

She has suffered deeply with depression, health problem, and unemployment.  (Yes!! all at once)

I have watched her as she too has relied on the Atonement to get her through.

In fact, she was a source of strength for me during my time of pain this past winter.

She has recently started a blog about what she has been going through, what she has learned, and how she is coping.

Her story is amazing, and can help us all learn.

Her hope is that through sharing her story she can help others, but also help herself heal.

Writing has a way of healing our pain.

I want to share the link here on my blog; See Steph Go. 

If you have any struggles in your life; there is something you can learn from reading her story.

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…and don’t we all have struggles?

I am thankful she is willing to share her story.

I am thankful for a place to share goodness.

I am thankful for the gift of the Atonement, because I use it every. single. day.

I am thankful for my trials.  I understand that they refine me and help me grow.

Check out this video; all about the refiner’s fire.


  1. Beautiful post! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Beautiful, Andrea. Thank you so much for these powerful, uplifting words. I am also so very grateful for our Truest Friend, Jesus Christ!

  3. Thank you andrea for sharing your testimony


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