
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our little Princess...


Had her tonsils out.  Grandma bought her new silky jammies, and my friend bought her this crown.  We wanted them to know what kind of girl they were dealing with.  She is our little princess, and we wanted them to treat her as such.


She was a little scared.  We thought that I might get to be with her until they put her to sleep, but that was not the case.

The hardest part was watching the big alligator tears roll down her cheeks when they took her from me.

Hands with Dad

We had a lot of help.  Jonathan's mom(Grandma Lorene) came in for a week to help us.  My friend Tracy went with me, and lots of friends brought her gifts.

The best gift was when Jonathan walked in.  He was able to leave work and be there with us.  I know it helped to comfort Stella to have him there.

When she woke up, he was able to hold her for 1 1/2 hours while she came too.  This was a huge help to me.  I don't think I could have held her that long, considering my state.

Then he carried her back to the car, and we took her home.

Popsicle Princess

The next few days were full of popsicles, and movies.  She has enjoyed hanging out with mom. 

She recovered so well.  I am so proud of her.  She has bounced right back. 

I hope that this surgery makes her quality of life better.  I hope she has less illness this year.

To our little princess:  we love you, and are thankful that you are our daughter.


  1. She is the cutest sick patient I have ever seen! We are glad you are doing well Stella. Hope you have a great first day back at school!

  2. Glad you are feeling better Stella! Love the PJs! You are so brave!!

  3. Glad to know she is doing well... Cute pictures too!

  4. Oh my goodness! What a brave girl! Darling p'j's too!

  5. Feel better soon, Stella! Take it easy, Andrea!
    Sweet post.

  6. Stella you are so cute in your silky pjs, I am glad that you are feeling better!!

  7. ARGH! Getting tonsils out is no fun---and you are on bed-REST! Life keeps us on our toes! I am glad she is doing so well and had so many people to take care of her!

  8. WOW! Sorry to hear your family has had a difficult month. Wish I could be there to help. Best wishes to you all and we hope for the best outcomes for all of you! LOVE from NJ.

  9. Poor little girl!!! She is darling with her little crown. I hope all is well with you and your bed rest:)


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