
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Musings from a woman on Bed Rest...

....Well sort of bed rest.  Let's just say this has been hard.  I find that I am more miserable when I am laying completely down with nothing to do.  When I do that I just fall asleep, and then I feel worthless.

So I have kept myself busy with projects that I can do while sitting down.  I know you would think that I would have posted more, but I just haven't felt like it. 

BEWARE:  lots of pictures, but what do you expect?  It has been a while.

Projects make me feel happy.  I love creating, and I have been in the mood.  I think it is this time of year.


Fall in the air

I also think it is my nesting. 

We have had a few visitors.  My MIL came for a visit, and helped with Stella and her surgery.  Then my sister came while my hubby went to Utah.  His father was made Stake Patriarch.

Both of them were such a big help.  My MIL helped with the kiddos, and did some cleaning and laundry.

My sister helped me with some organizational projects that have been bugging me, and also scrubbed my house.

Thanks to both of you.

I had the urge to get out the Fall decor long before Sept.... and so I did.  My mom says you must wait until after Labor day, but I just couldn't.

I love our house in the fall.


Front Door



...but it needed something more.  It was time to create.  I needed to get out of bed and make something new for this house.  So I broke out the scrapbook supplies.  My kids love when I do this.  They make all sorts of projects too.

This is what I came up with....



All these little changes have helped me feel better about sticking around home.  It is amazing what a little color and creativity will do.  This project cost me nothing, I had all of it. 

....And you can't forget one for Halloween.


Then I proceeded to make Halloween costumes for the girls.  Here is a little glimpse:


Then the baby needed some new bows, and bracelets, and the kids enjoyed helping with this too.  They made there own necklaces in the process.



.... as I sat staring at the girls room, I just could not stand it any longer.  I needed to rearrange.  It sometimes takes a while to get it just right.  So with some help, the beds were moved to the same wall.  Then I had to strategically move the vinyl lettering.  ... and WA LA, I am perfectly happy.

Girls room

... and then that left me with a blank wall.  This is what I came up with.  I already had the canvas so I just covered them with fabric.  I added the little blocks, and this peg shelf with Stella's tu-tus and Tessa's hairbows.  So cheap!!... oh and I must say relaxing.


I am hoping to put some vinyl lettering over the top that says:

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass... it is about dancing in the rain."

One more canvas for the shelf, with a picture when I happen to get some taken.  This is covered in tissue paper, and fabric strips.  Then I stamped the cherish on there.


On top of all my projects, I put the kids to work. 

While mother is down... TV becomes childrens best friend.  SO.... I put a stop to that.  Along with the jewelry making, and scrapbooking; the kids have been learning other tricks.


They are learning to stitch, and will make a pillow with there name on it.  They are making hats for newborns which we will give to Children's Hospital, and cutting and pasting art from all the leftover magazines.

I am so thankful that I am not on complete bed rest, and that I can spend a little time creating, and helping my children learn how important it is to create.

For now... I am enjoying staying at home with all these little projects to do.  Yes!! I am taking it easy.  I am listening to my body, and only doing what I feel up to.  I still rest a lot, and sleep some.  However, I feel like myself when I am getting things accomplished.  Even if I am accomplishing them while laying down.

I am almost 35 weeks now.  I have started to dilate, and I am 50% effaced.  I hoping for 2-3 more weeks.  

I still have a few projects in mind... some curtains and outdoor decor(with Jonathan's help of course)  I am really good at telling people what to do.

I am thankful for all the prayers, thoughts and help that we have received.



  1. you make me laugh!! See I've been on bed rest and I can take it. Why because I'm not as crafty and handy dandy like you. Sadly my house does not flow as good as yours. You seriously need to be in Better homes. SEriously BAD!!!!!!!! Or Martha needs to give you a ring!!!

  2. by the way- I love you!! And I wish you lived closer so you could teach me the tricks I've always wanted to learn!

  3. Oh I want to come and play!!! You are so much fun, Andrea! :) I love all your beautiful projects. And I love that you are teaching your kids to embroider! :) Above and beyond -- always above and beyond. :) I like the way you switched up the girls' room - very sweet. And I love the hair bows! And tutus. And garlands. And pretty much everything.

  4. Glad you updated! I've been wondering about you and unfortunately I've been a bad friend and haven't called. I'll do that soon. Glad you're finding ways to keep your self busy. Your house is beautiful! And even on bedrest you outdo the rest of us! Love you!

  5. I am glad you finished the halloween stuff for the girls and the headbands for Tessa. Did you move your kitchen table? Also, you have already done so many more projects since I left...wow. I like them all.

  6. Wow...what a creative high you are on! I love ALL of it! The girls room looks really good like that. The flow is perfect. I love all of the canvas'. It was fun to see a picture after having you explain it to me. I have my fall out too. I couldn't wait for it. It makes me happy. I did it while Casey took the kids out for a couple of hours one Saturday. It was fun to see and hear how excited they were when they got home and saw it. I love how they appreciate the holidays that way!

  7. WOW Andrea!! You are so amazing. I wish you were still in KC so you can show me how to be creative.

  8. Yo always inpire me with your projects. Someday soon you will have to tell me what pogram you use to do your digital scrapbooks. They are just darling. I think I will have to try it soon. :)

  9. Thank you so much for all these ideas!! You guys do so much without spending a dime and it's starting to inspire me!! :o) Mitch and I have 2 1/2 more years of undergrad, then it's on to optometry school!

    So i'm just here to say thank you for all the ideas!! I'm keeping them all in mind!


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