
Thursday, May 7, 2009

I found some time for me today...

Well I can't really say today, because it is midnight.  Jonathan went to play Church Ball, and I had a little energy.  I have been reading scrapbook magazines today, and couldn't wait to get back at it.  This is something I truly enjoy doing.  I have not felt like it at all.  I hope this is a good sign that the "REAL" me is about to come back.   I just have to share because this is a huge step in pregnancy for me.  It really says something about my well-being.

Eleven Months 1 Isaac Eleven Months

Water fightWater fight 2

I had to show these two side by side because of how the picture connects the two pages together.  Here they are a little bigger:

 Water fight Water fight 2

Only six more spreads until Isaac's first year book is complete!! YEAH!! ... and he is only almost TWO!! 

Anyway, I hope this inspires you to make some time for yourself. Find time to do whatever it is you LOVE!!


  1. Love them! I'm glad you felt like doing that! :)

  2. The pages are beautiful...Hope your getting back in the saddle again!

  3. They are beautiful! I'm so glad you felt like doing them, hopefully that is a good sign. I think about you often and hope things are going ok. Hang in there you are loved!

  4. Love the layouts! Glad you're feeling better!

  5. Glad you are beginning to feel like yourself. Beautiful scrapbooking as always! Is it hybrid scraping?


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