
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

{Brief Synopsis}

Well if you can call it brief... I just wanted to share a few pictures of what has happened in the last few months while I have been on personal leave.  I need to add this all strictly for history sake. 

In late March, Jonathan's parents came for a visit.  They pretty much spent their time taking care of the kids since I was out of commission for a while.  They could not have come at a better time.  It seemed like the worst of my sickness had come.  I  read that your sickest time is 9-12 weeks.  I was about 9 weeks when they came and felt like I had been hit by a Mac Truck.  I remember telling Jonathan, "I only feel good when I am sleeping."  So I slept a lot.  They made meals, and filled the freezer.  They also played with the kids, and we enjoyed some chatting.   We did get out on a few occasions.  We took the kids to the zoo, and Jonathan and I decided to take the kids more often, so we bought a season pass.  It was a nice visit with his parents.Family Picture at the Zoo

Then, on Easter weekend we had more visitors.  The Moes family came for a visit.  We were so excited to have them.  I was thrilled to have someone to commiserate with, since she is expecting also.  I think are husbands enjoyed getting away from all of our complaining, I bet they enjoyed complaining about us.  We had some great Easter celebrations while they were here.  The Easter bunny came and hid the kids' baskets.  We had an egg hunt, colored eggs, and had a silly string fight.  It was so nice to have someone to help with all the traditions that must go on even when you feel under the weather.  It also helped keep the kids entertained for a few days.  It was a nice visit.Hunt

The day after Easter, we got up at 3:30am and headed for the airport for a trip to Utah.  I pulled Jex out of school for 2 weeks.  The school was not very happy about that, and stated that they may have to send social services to the house.  I just laughed and laughed about that one, so did his Kindergarten teacher.

We had a great visit in Utah.  I took the kids by myself.  Jonathan had to stay and work.  He had such a busy month that we thought it would be a good idea for me to go and have help while I didn't feel well.  We spent one week with his parents and one week with mine.Laughter

I enjoyed eating at all my favorite Utah restaurants.  Hanging out with family and friends, going to play, taking a bread class, and shopping.  The kids enjoyed time with their cousins, sleepovers with aunts and uncles, playing the Wii, playing in the snow, and eating their favorite Fat Sticks.Snow day

While we were in Utah, Stella and I had a girls day with my mom and sister.  We went and had pedicures, and then Stella had her ears pierced.  EarringsShe has been asking for quite some time.  I thought this was a great day.  She did beautifully, and looks adorable. Pedicure

The highlight of my trip was finding out that my sister is expecting a baby.  She is due three weeks after me.  This is the first cousin on my side.  I am so happy for her and Jared.

We are glad to be back home and settling in.  It won't be long till we are off on more adventures.  Such is the life.


  1. So glad to see what you've been up to. Isn't it great that there is good stuff even when you're feeling so crappy! Are you starting to feel better yet?

  2. You are so dang busy! I would die trying to do all of this while sick! I hope your trip to Utah was relaxing. I give you "super-mom-of-the-year" award for flying with three kids while pregnant!


    Stella's pierced ears are so cute! Hannah is kind of interested, but she needs to be much older.

    You're photos are great.

    Come take my family pic now. :)

  3. You have such a beautiful family! ANd you are so great to do all this and stay busy while not feeling well. You are such a great mom!

  4. No wonder we haven't heard from you. What a fun life you lead!

  5. Stella looks so sophisticated with pierced ears & getting her toes done! Love that little girl! & your new header. I liked your old one too :)

  6. Fun, busy times! Crazy how life doesn't stop because we are sick, even though it feels like it should. Everything just feels a little foggy in the head while it's all happening! :)

  7. You have been busy!! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the time we spent together while you were in Utah. I love that we can pick up right where we left off. You are still one of my closest friends!

    The pictures you had taken are SO CUTE!!


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