
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Where to begin…

It’s been hard for me to even start writing here.  I am at a loss for where to even begin.  When I was blogging a few months ago, I felt so good about it.  I was on a roll, and it was important.  Then life got sooo busy and something had to give.


I want to be here.  This is so important to me.  So… I’m going to give it my best effort and be here when I can; with no guilt when I can’t.  I just have had to tell myself that I can only do the best I can do. 

First of all, I want to say thank you to all those who emailed me, and asked if I was ok.  Thank you to those who just told me they missed hearing from me.  It means a lot.  I love all the friendships I have made thru blogging.  So… thank you for being here and being my friend.

I thought it would be good to come back with one of my favorite posts.  This is a good place for me to start, and it might fill you in on what’s been happening the last 2 months.

I like to call it Currently.

Currently I am….

loving… my new makeup.  I started wearing it in October, and it has been awesome.  It is called Maskcara. It is such an easy way to contour and highlight.


You can find more about it here.

reading… “Harry Potter” number one to Isaac and Tessa, and “More than the Tatooed Mormon” by Al Carraway for me.


I am loving this book.  You should check this out.  This woman has gone through so much and triumphed thru it all.  She attributes this to God and faith.  She is also the perfect example of why we should never judge.

waiting for… our new house to be finished.  Yes!! if you didn’t know, we are building a new house.IMG_3137

That is what has mostly kept me from this blog.  I am currently getting our house ready to sell, and I am working on every single decision on the new house.


I am not complaining.  Really! I’m not!! This has been so fun; just busy.  This is a dream come true for Jonathan and I.  We have always wanted to build our own house, and it’s finally happening!!

excited about… summer!!  I am ready to hang with my kiddos.

trying to… be more tuned in to God, and what he needs me to do.  My hands are his hands.

working on… like I said, every single decision for that new house comes out of my head.  Jonathan and I designed this house from the ground up.  We met with a drafter and she put my design on paper and then it was engineered.  We have been able to put our stamp on every corner of this house.

From lighting,


to the where the walls go,

Processed with VSCO with 3 preset 

to the shape of the fireplace,


to the flooring and tile… and so much more.  This has been fun!

enjoying… being married.


I know most people say that building a house with someone is the most stressful thing on a marriage.  We have found it to be the opposite for us.  We are loving the process, and all the time we get to spend together making decisions.  I am so thankful that Jonathan is the one I get to build this house with, and share my life with.

using… my friends son to paint some furniture for me.  Well I’m not “using” him per say, I am paying him.  My friend has a son who started a cabinet and furniture painting business.  He is awesome.  He has been updating some of the cool pieces of furniture that I have and giving them a fresh look.


It’s been so fun.  If your local and use instagram, follow him @color_coatings

wearing… this awesome new mascara. It is called: Urban Decay Subversion.


Oh my goodness!!  It is actually a mascara primer, so you still have to put mascara over the top.  It helps to keep your mascara on, but the beauty of it is; that it also helps your eyelashes grow.  Say what?  …and yes!!! Mine have gotten longer in just 3 weeks.  Check it out here.

planning… some awesome summer activities with the kids.  We have Lagoon season passes this year so I am expecting a summer full of rollercoasters.  It will also have family reunions, dance, baseball, scout camp, young women camp, and a really cool Harry Potter Camp for Isaac.  Oh! and don’t forget packing and moving.  It should be a busy one.

needing… a massage.  Oh man!! my neck and back could always use a little loosening up.  I’m still affected by the pain in my neck and arm.  I am learning to cope.  I am learning about my own strength, and who God needs me to be. Oh!! I’m also needing a nap.  Always, always, needing a nap.

learning… adobe illustrator.  Jex and I are taking an Adobe Illustrator course together.  It has been so much fun learning something with my really cool son.  He is pretty rad, and it’s just fun hanging with him.  He also teaches me a lot as we go along.  He is very creative.

listening to… my scriptures.  I have really enjoyed listening to my scriptures lately.  Whenever I have time to turn them on I do.  It’s pretty cool to listen to them.  I often pick up on things I maybe wouldn’t have.

doing… lots of organizing.  I am trying really hard to make closets look nice before we put our house on the market.  I also don’t want to move more than neccessary.

dreaming of… going back to this beautiful place.


Jonathan and I took the most amazing trip in late February to our favorite little island.  Saba is such a beautiful peaceful place.


I miss how calm I feel there. Oh!! and I miss just hanging with JB.  He is so fun to be with.

singing… Thomas Rhett.  Ok!! I am so in love with this album, and could this song be any sweeter?

wishing for… a smooth transition between houses this summer.  I hope this one sells easy on the right timeline. 

praying for… all the missionaries from our church. 

Future Missionary Name Tag

There are so many young men and women from our church who take a chunk of time out of their social calendar to serve the Lord; 18 months to 2 years.  We also have several in our community who have had to come home for health reasons.  I pray for every single one of them.  I pray they are safe.  I pray that they will heal.  I pray that people will listen to their message of Christ.  So do my kiddos. One day it will be my kiddos that we are praying for.

…and that’s what is currently going on around here.

If you want to see more of the happenings that are going on in our new house you can ask to follow me on instagram.  I have a seperate house account.  You can find me @valleyviewabode

Thanks for being here.  It’s nice to be back today.


  1. Wait. Don't know why it said Dave Workman left that comment. He didn't. I guess I need to sign out, and sign in.

  2. I love hearing from you again, dear friend! Sounds like life is crazy but wonderful! :) Chris and I will be building our next house, starting this August, and I would love hearing some more details about how you chose the floor plan and which way the house will face, etc. I probably just need to call and have a lovely chat with you! Hope everything is going well with it and hope you're able to share more soon!

  3. A new post! It has made my day a little brighter. Thank you for continuing to write and for inspiring me with your creativity.

  4. Wow you certainly are sooo very busy! I love reading your blog, you will always be an inspiration to us all. Wishing you all a smooth move. Can't wait to see your new home, love to all x

  5. Fun times! I've been enjoying keeping up with your house progress on Insta!

  6. And SO funny that Jaron's Google Account pic is (still) that very same mountain in your post! :D


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