
Friday, January 25, 2013

One word.

I mentioned earlier that I didn’t do any resolutions.  We picked a family theme for the year. 

I didn’t want to have a list of resolutions to work on this year.  I wanted to work on making myself better a day at a time.

I did however choose one word.

This word will be my mantra for the year.  I chose the word:


I picked this word because just like last year, we have many changes going on with our family. 

We will take a new job, move to a new location, find a new home, start new schools, and make new friends; among other things.

We did all of these things last year; and I have to say that I had a hard time just being content.

This year I am going to do it differently.

I found this scripture, which has brought me much comfort.

Phillipians 4:11

“For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content.”

So my new life lesson.  Wherever we are:

living in a rental house

the discomfort of change

living out of boxes

living out of a suitcase

meeting new people

making new friends

leaving friends behind

my headshots-50 2

I will find contentment.


  1. I love your family theme, and word of the year! I'm not into making resolutions, but having a concrete plan, something that makes you focus, is beautiful!

  2. I love this as our family is going through the same transition of an upcoming move. Thanks for the sweet reminder to relax enjoy what God has in store for us.

  3. Great word! And great family theme. I loved that saying when I saw it on Pinterest too.

  4. I always find myself thinking back to some of the few but wonderful little chats we had...I was thinking about you tonight as I am yet again working through the getting Abram on a better sleeping pattern...to the "how do ya do it" and I just wanted to thank you for always offering up spiritual, inspiring advise...I still remember the "balloon" chat about the little things are the "big things" to our little ones...I hope you are enjoying and surviving the ups and downs of life and fellowship...you are missed around here...I always enjoy reading your posts, as you share your thoughts and ideas...it reminds that no matter the distance there is always a way to say hello and keep in touch with those that have been placed in our lives to better us and our families through there examples and friendships! Thank you!


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