
Thursday, December 13, 2012

No good very bad day.

It’s been one of those days around here.

Isaac is really having one of those days.

He got his tonsils out and just doesn’t feel well.


He does make the cutest patient.

I have enjoyed taking care of him.

He doesn’t whine or fuss.  He just lays around.

I keep telling him that I am so proud of him for having so much courage and strength.

I really enjoyed hanging out with just him all day in his hospital room.

We watched movies,talked, laughed, ate popsicles, and played with airplanes.

…and now today he doesn’t feel up to any of those things.

He is just having one of those no good very bad days.

I have had one of those days too.

One of those days that I think we all experience as mothers.

Mine is a different kind of hurt.  Unlike Isaac it is not physical pain.

It has been a day filled with tears.

One of those days where you cry all day and almost anything can bring on the tears.

It didn’t start off good.

I hope it ends better.


I could really use a hug.

While sitting here in my not so very good state, I stumbled on this video.

It made my cry.

…and then I realized that my not so very bad day probably isn’t so bad at all.

This video is a must see.

I am so thankful to the members of our church and all others who have helped in this cause; including members from our ward right here in PA.

Do I feel silly for having a bad day when I know people have bigger worries?

No, not at all.  We all have to deal with our own heartaches.

However, the video did lift my spirits seeing the good in people, and in turn helped me recognize the good in myself.

Which is something I needed reminding of today.

…and on a bad day, I am thankful for that.

I do hope you all are having a great day.

Here are to better tomorrows.

Oh, and thanks for letting me be real today.

Hugs to my Isaac.

post written on: December 11, 2012

posted on: December 13, 2012


  1. poor Isaac! hope he is up and feeling better soon.

  2. sorry you had a bad day, if you were closer I'd bring you your favorite sonic drink! miss you friend!

  3. Oh poor little man...Hope he gets feeling better soon...I am sorry you are struggling...Find something that always makes you smile and give it a hug, or read it or eat something that tastes delicious and makes you smile!!! I wish I were there to give you a hug! You always have inspiring words for others, I think you are so creative and beautiful at everything you do, Andrea! I wish I had an inch of the organization and cleaning ability you have, everything you do seems to be perfect! Feel better you are AMAZING and Beautiful! I hope you have a better day...and a fabulous weekend.

  4. I really do hope that Isaac feels better soon. Thank you for posting the video. After Mike went down and came home with pictures, I wish I could have shown the world how horrible it is and there is still so much work to do. Thanks again for posting. Hugs

  5. I'm giving u an electronic hug!!!!!! Did u get it?? :-). Oh how I miss you guys!! I miss cleaning my house real quick before u came over cause Ur pad is always spotless...I miss copying Ur creative ways...I miss my tessa...I miss Ur inspirational words...and comforting words. Miss ya girl

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