
Thursday, August 26, 2010

What I have learned Thursday…{and a little more}

“Beans on Toast”

This little installment of “what I have learned” is really more about what we(Jonathan and I) are teaching our children.  I have laughed and laughed about this for days, and thought you might laugh also.  You also might find this enlightening as you try to teach your kids.

My husband is wonderful at teaching our children true and correct principles.  He always finds interesting ways to get his point across.  Case in point:

We have really been working on teaching our kids the correct way to pray.

Isaac prays but repeats the same prayer every time.

The other two say what most children say; something repetitive such as: Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day.

Jonathan is so cute and loving.  He meekly shares the correct way to pray on their level.  He outlines a prayer; how we begin, to share what we are thankful for, ask for blessings, and then close correctly.   He reminds them often.  One particular night, he decided to address being repetitive.

He says, “Stella, how would we feel if I walked through the door from work each day and said; Hi Stella, Beans on toast.  Then the next day, I walked through the door and said; Hi Stella, beans on toast.  Then the next day; Hi Stella, beans on toast.

…and the laughter started.

I don’t know why he picked the phrase “beans on toast”, but I think they got his point.  …they are still talking about it, and reminding each other not to be like “beans on toast.”

I love this man.  He is wonderful teacher and father.  He teaches with love and laughter.

What and how are you teaching your children?

Speaking of teaching your children…

These little munchies started school.


Stella started the big K.

 Stella Kindergarten

She looked at me and told me to “STOP! taking pictures.”


When I said my goodbyes, I hugged her and told her she could leave with me at any point.  She didn’t take me up on it.

Kindergarten 2

I asked her today if she ever misses me.  She said, “Not really.  Well, maybe one time.”

Oh the places you'll go...

She is doing great.  I am proud of her for being so independent.

Jex Second Grade

Jex loves the second grade, and was excited that his two best friends are in his class again this year.

Second Grade

I sneaked a peak after he got a little settled on the first day.  What a cute 2nd grader.  WOW!! did I really just say write second?

They both have great teachers.  They even made a little visit to our house.


The night before school, the kids got a special father’s blessing.

It is an important part of our back to school traditions.

As parents we spend so much time preparing them physically: backpacks, school supplies, and new clothes.

How often do we prepare them spiritually?  I believe that blessings are the last little piece of the armor that we provide our kids with. Armor to make correct choices while they are away from home for

8 hours a day.  A Father’s blessing gives thekids a little road map to pattern their year after.

Our family has set a new motto for the year, “Our choices determine our future.”

We have asked the kids to think about the choices that they make.  We are encouraging good choices; like most parents.  Well I think there are a few out there who hope there kids make bad choices, but I can only think of a handful.  he he.

I hope to prepare a “choices” dinner sometime in September to kick off our family motto. 

Have a great Thursday.

Enjoy your new back to school routines.

…and I dare you to try a little beans on toast.


  1. I love that!! I did get a laugh out of the "Beans on Toast" Nice way to teach them, I like that!! Your kids are seriously SO cute!!

  2. I will have to try that. Stella and Gabi are in the same grade.

  3. Ha ha ha!! I love "Beans on Toast". Oh Jonathan! He's awesome. We try to work on teaching better prayers too. We'll have to attempt it the same way. :)

  4. I cannot believe how grown up your kiddos are - they looks so great! And thanks for the laugh - I love it!

  5. We loved this post. Jonathan is awesome. How did it come to pass that your kids teachers were at your house? At the same time?


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