
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Eight is Great!!

Jex 2 CR

I turned eight on the 13th of August.

In my family we have lots of Birthday traditions.  This birthday was a little different.


Eight is a special birthday.


My family belongs to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We are taught that the age of eight is the age of accountability.  That means you are old enough to know right from wrong.  This is the age of baptism.

Valiant CR

I was baptized on August 14, 2010.

My father baptized me.

Father and Son

I was baptized by immersion which means I was fully submersed in water.  I went down and come right back up.  It represents our sins being washed away.


I was baptized just like Jesus.  He was baptized in the Jordan River,  I was baptized in a baptismal font.

On the right trackCR

Both sets of  my Grandparents got to come to my baptism.

My Grandpa Mark spoke at my baptism.  He talked to me about baptism, and how special it was.  He told me that is was not the water that was making me clean.  It was the actual ordinance.  (that means the water represents that act of Heavenly Father taking care of my sins)  It felt good to be clean.

After I was baptized, my Grandpa Jerald spoke to me about The Holy Ghost.  This is a special gift that we receive after baptism.  It is a gift from our Heavenly Father.  He told me that The Holy Ghost  is like a friend.  He helps keep us safe.  He can warn us in times of trouble, and comfort us in times of need. 

Jex Baptism Announcement copy

Being Baptized was totally awesome.  I felt so good after, and felt the comfort of the Holy Ghost all day.  I knew it was him because I felt happy and at peace.

Now that I am baptized I am officially a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

My mom says that I am setting such a good example for my younger brother and sisters.

Family 2

After my baptism we had these great big cookie cakes to share with my friends from church.  My mom decorated them special just for me.  I am grateful for friends and family.

Cookie Cakes CR

Cookie Cake CR

CTR means: Choose the Right.

Our family had a nice dinner after to celebrate and honor my choice.

My parents told me that they are very proud of me.  I am proud to belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Jex 3 CR

My baptism was a big part of my birthday this year; but we still celebrated my birthday with all the wonderful traditions.  Stay tuned to hear more about my birthday.

P.S.  My mom made this movie to share at my Baptism.  I thought some of my family who couldn’t come might enjoy watching it.


  1. Eight is so great! Happy Birthday!

  2. love the pictures on the train track! he is so handsome :)

  3. Happy Birthday and Congratulations Jex. Wished we could have been there. Love the Bailey's

  4. Cute pictures, cute invitation, cute video, cute cookies, cute, cute, cute!!

  5. So proud of you Jex. Wish we could have been there! Thank you for sharing this post with us though and the awesome video! You truly are an amazing son of God! We love you!

  6. What a sweet, tender video. I loved it.

  7. Such cute pictures. Happy Birthday Jex!

  8. I can't get past the video!!! He has grown up so much. When did it all happen? I can remember more than half of those photos and it seriously feels like yesterday. I am so proud of him. Pretty soon we will be watching his missionary video and then his wedding video. I just can't think about it anymore. :)

  9. What a special day! Andrea, I cannot believe he is 8. I still remember you being pregnant with him like it was yesterday. He is such a cute boy. That is such a fun time, probably a little hard for you just cuz he's growing up so dang fast. You are such a good Mom and make things so special for your kids. I love all the pictures. So cute!

  10. I loved getting to play for your baptism, Jex. It was a special spiritual experience. I love being your Primary teacher! You are doing a wonderful job choosing the right.
    Sis. Baker


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