
Thursday, July 29, 2010

A little different Thursday.

Instead of about writing about what I have learned this Thursday, as is my normal routine.  I am choosing to share a little from the heart.  I hope you are all okay with that.  If not, to bad.  It is my blog. ha ha

Kids with tummy looking

Last night, my baby sister welcomed her first little baby to the world.

I have been envious of her all day.

I keep thinking back to all four of my amazing births, and the magical feelings brought on those first few days.


I love being in hospital staring at the face of a familiar stranger.

I love the adrenalin I feel after many long hours of labor.

I love feeling so tired, yet too excited to sleep.

I love bringing a baby home….

Stella - Summer 2004 069 

To be a part of our life. 

To help make us more complete.

Those moments are gone and past for Jonathan and I.

I can’t help but feel somewhat sad.

My two sisters are just beginning that journey.

My chapter of making babies is over.

We are in a new chapter of raising babies.

I must say that I would do it all again.

I would go back to that “birth-day” of our first born son.

I would go through the struggles of nursing.

I would do sleepless nights.

There is something so heavenly about being a mother to a baby.

Someone who relies on you completely.

I will miss the moments today, but tomorrow I will move on.

I will reflect on how wonderful it is to parent toddlers and young children.

I am sure I will look back on this time at some point, and miss the magic of cleaning up high chairs, wiping off sticky fingerprints, and diverting a tantrum.

Today, I vow to treasure the little things.

Today, I will try remember just how quickly time can escape us, and make time to sit down tomorrow and capture some of that time.

Tonight, I will be vow to be the best Aunt ever, and enjoy watching my sisters share in the magic.

Congrats Lindsay, Dave and London.

P.S.  I couldn’t help myself today.  I had to make time to scrapbook Tessa’s birth.  I think it made me reflect on it even more, and it helps to know that her birth story is frozen in time.

A birth Story copy

Measurements copy 



  1. love it! I have been reflecting lately on this past year and how fast it all goes. I am glad I get to do it again (someday!). I feel like I have learned so much and am excited to do it better the next time around. Why does it have to go so fast!?

  2. How sweet :o) I'm just now starting this part of my life as well, and I had to admit that i've been quite nervous about labor, sleepless nights, nursing, etc. This post made me feel a bit better :o) Thank you! It's good to be reassured every once in awhile that yes, all the pregnancy junk is worth it! Having not had any babies before, it's something we're still trying to convince ourselves of: that our little man's gonna make it all worthwhile!

  3. You totally made me tear up!(: I'm glad to be done with that phase of my life, but sad too. Nothing beats holding a newborn babie for the first time. I can't wait to see sweet baby London!(:

  4. I love that post. Your words are amazing. Every time I see a picture of Jonathon with Stella for the first time I tear up. What a tender mercy that is all on it's own!

  5. This is such a sweet post and one that I needed to read this morning. I am a new mommy to a three week old. Life is been nothing short of chaotic the past few weeks. I am loving every minute of it, but can get overwhelmed with the lack of sleep. You helped me put it all into perspective though. I know I will miss these precious days. Thank you for reminding me to enjoy each and every minute of these days because they go by too quickly! Congratulations on becoming an aunt!

  6. I don't know if you remember me or not. Jonathan and my husband, Jeff, are first cousins. I just found your blog through a good friend's, Chelsey Ercanbrack's, blog. I love reading your blog! We are expecting a baby girl in about 10 days (or with any luck, sooner.) It's my first pregnancy, but our 4th child. We adopted 3 after trying for four years to conceive. Now 13 1/2 years later I get pregnant. The Lord works in misterious ways. Anyway, thank you for this post. I am completely miserable right now but this post made me want to hold on to my pregnancy for as long as I can. It also made me REALLY excited for her birth, but I know it will come and go so quickly and next thing we know it, she will be 6 months old.

    Congratulations to your sister and also to you for becoming an aunt to a new baby.

    Thanks again,

  7. Beautiful! Well said! Time surely flies, I remember each one of you being born and the excitement and LOVE is something you never forget! My babies are 32(almost), 29 and 24, and will always be my babies :}

  8. What a beautiful post! I could not have put it better myself! I LOVE the pictures!


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