
Thursday, June 17, 2010

What I have learned Thursday…

Little things can be Big things.

Isaac lost his balloon today.

He snuck outside with it and let it go.

All I heard was a loud scream.

The kind of scream you hear when you think this might be the time you have to call an ambulance.

How do I react?

Several years ago, I would have just said, “Oh well.”  It’s just a balloon.

But today, I remembered what my husband always says, “Those little things are Big things in their little world.”

It got me thinking about how I would feel if I lost something that was so wonderful and special  to me.

I made a quick decision.

I ran outside, and lifted him up.

We watched it go high in the sky.

He was still sad.

Balloon Sunshine copy

I asked him if he wanted me to take some pictures of him with Jex’s balloon.

He said, “YES!!”, with a smile.

You see it is always important if I want to take a picture of it.

We had a balloon photo shoot.

Sweet little boy

Here he is.  You can still see the remnants of the tears on his cheeks.

He couldn’t wait to look at the pictures I had taken.

Once we came inside, we talked about what happened.

He was really concerned.


Jex’s balloon wasn’t good enough anymore.

He wanted to know what happened to his.

“It went high in the sky.” I said.


“It went to evan?, he asked.

“Yes, it went to heaven.”

“To live with Jesus?” he said.

Then with tears in both our eyes he asked, “Will he hold it for me?”


“Yes Isaac, he will hold it for you.”

The he skipped off to the couch and asked me to take more pictures.

bw balloon 1

He seemed pleased to think that his balloon might be with Jesus.

BW Balloon 2

I am so happy that I took the time today.

bw balloon 3

This little balloon really was a big part of his life.

BW Ballon 4

It became a big part of mine as I was able to share this tender

moment with my sweet little boy.

Take the time to remember that little things just might

be a big thing.  Not just with children, but with our adult loved ones as well.


  1. Oh my. This made me tear up with both of you :) This happened to my little boy a couple of weeks ago. It rocked his little world for the day and we went through the same little conversation. He still talks about his balloon 'playing in heaven'.

  2. Okay you have me crying. Darn you!!! :)

    I emailed the link to a few friends, they'll love it too. <3

  3. I can't believe it. I just went through this same thing with my son. He asked me if Daddy could get on an airplane and go get it for him. The next night we were outside and he asked me if his balloon was on the moon. I wonder what it is about balloons that get kids so attached?!?! Thanks for sharing.....

    BTW...Rachelle forwarded this link to me!!

  4. oh my gosh that is so sweet. I love the minds of little ones.

  5. Thank you for such a great reminder. :) We seem to get so caught up in lifes "little" things, that we soon forget how important they really are. What a great reminder that Jesus is up there waiting for us too!!

  6. So, so sweet. And a great reminder too.

  7. That is such a sweet story. It's moments like those that make you realize what's truly important. Thanks for sharing, I needed a story like that today:)

  8. That is the sweetest thing. Ever. How fun to have those precious pictures for the memory.

  9. So, so true. Thanks for sharing that.

    He looks so cute with Jex's balloon...did he ever give it back to Jex??? :)

  10. His sad face breaks my heart every time I see it. Good thing Jex let him borrow his.

  11. I so needed that reminder today, I'm touched by that sweet post:)

  12. Andrea, Hi I am a friend of Lindsay's in Henderson, I met you at her baby shower in Utah. Anyways I just love your blog and Lindsay told me about his post so I had to come and read it for myself!! You are amazing, I am learning so much just from reading about you and your family!
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  13. This just made me cry. What a moment.


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