
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monthly Letters.

When I had Jex almost eight years ago.  Did I write that right?  EIGHT years ago?  WOW!!  Any-hoo.  I made a promise to myself that I would write a letter to him every month  for the first year of his life.  I lived up to my promise.  They are safe on my hard drive and a copy in his baby scrapbook.

Every one told me that doing it for the rest of my children would be harder.  I didn't believe them.  Stella has a letter for almost every month.  I think I missed one or two.  I think Isaac has 5 or 6.

Tessa  lives in the day of blogging, and my awesome camera.  She gets different promises.  I promise to take pictures of her once a month, and include a little message.  I will incorporate these in to her baby book. 

Here she is Seven Months Old:

(did I really just write that?)

Tessa 7 months-5

She is the sweetest girl around.  Her personality is so calm, until.... you take a toy away from her.  Then she lets out the lion.

Tessa 7 months-3

She can scream with the best of them, and I have a feeling that she will be very capable of keeping up with her spirited brother.


She is always very aware of her surroundings, including where her mother is.  She really doesn't like it when I leave the room.  She has the most intriguing blue eyes.

The kids think we should have named her Mae, because that is what we call her most.


She loves her pink blanket that her Grandma Lorene made her.  She has the most adorable chubby legs.  I just want to eat them.

Tess stand up

She just cut 2 teeth, and I had no clue.  The runny nose was my only sign.

Tessa 7 months-2

She has the funniest little hair.  We call it the faux-hawk.  It just sticks up all on it's own.

Tessa 7 months 4

She is sitting all on her own, rolling all over the house, and loves real food.  She watches every bite I put in to my mouth.

Tessa 7 months-1

I love every part of this little girl. 

Everything you do.  Every cry you make, every smile you give.  Every little inch of your chubby body.  You are a pure delight.  Thank you for coming to our life.


  1. she is so adorable. Maybe next month you can take pics in the jean diapers, you know, since you live in Arkansas. I think Beck and Tessa need to meet. It might be a match made in heaven :)

  2. Cute, cute little Mae Mae! I love that girl! Great pictures.

  3. Ha ha, I had that exact same bodysuit in 0-3 months for my almost 7 month old! Too funny.

    What a cute, cute girl. All your kids look loke siblings to me but Tessa Mae sure looks a lot like Isaac to me!

  4. She is a doll -- I see so much of you in her. What fun to have such a sweet angel for a caboose! :)

  5. Wow seven months!! She is so dang cute!!

  6. She is so cute and looks just like Stella. I love a baby with chubby legs.

  7. Oh how I miss her. It's pretty sad that Luke and Tess are so close in age but so far apart in distance. I think they would interact a lot more at this age now. Maybe someday you will live close.


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