
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You will never guess...

What I have been up too.

It involves...

Clorox wipes

Kitchen Timer

Lots of candy

Juice Boxes

Washing machine

Lots of Patience

Lots and lots of Patience

Did I say Patience?

Isaac potty day

You guessed it.

We are potty training.

To learn more about my method, click


(Okay so not really MY method.)

My girlfriend Krysta had the first of our eight children combined.  I pretty much just follow her lead.  If it works for her, it will work for me.  I am so glad that she gets to do the trial run.  Thanks Krysta.

Wish me luck!!  It worked for the first two. 

Lets hope the more stubborn and spirited child can catch on

also, cause we are NOT going back.

P.S. If you attempt this... have lots of candy up your sleeve.


(This is the way to Isaac's ears , I mean heart.)


  1. How exciting! My question is how old is he? How do you know if they are "ready"?

  2. Good luck! My mom got a little potty seat that sat next to the toilet and you sat right down on it and went...she left it out until we started using it. Two days of pottytraining for each of us and we were done! Girls tend to be easier though :o)

  3. Come on Isaac! You can do it, I know it. You are such a big boy! Love you.

  4. yikes! Not looking forward to that challenge in my life! Good luck!

  5. Hang in there friend! You already know it's worth the torture when it finally clicks. Hopefully its soon! I bet his little bum looks so cute in his Lightnings.

  6. Good luck with that girly!! I wish the best best of luck!!

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  7. You will have to tell me how much harder it was potty training with a more "spirited child"! I thinkI am in fo rit with Max. I hope it goes well!!


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