
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Catching Up...

I must say that I hate how horrible I have been at this blogging thing lately.  The reason being my lack of recording all the memories.  Having our Fourth child has thrown a wrench in my time for such things.  This is the time that I should be recording.  Our little girl is growing right before our eyes, and I haven't stopped to write any feelings or thoughts down.

This post is for just that.  It is not one of those fun posts with a great idea or a thought.  It is more a chance to record some memories and feelings.


 Meaning: Fourth ChildTessa coming home

Our fourth pregnancy brought about many challenges.  Those last few weeks were enough to make me nuts.  We went to the hospital on two separate occasions with contractions.  How can a woman with 3 children not know if it is true labor?  Well let me tell you when it came I KNEW!!  

On Thursday October 22, 2009 I was having lunch with my mom, Luann and Paige.  I had a few contractions.  We left the restaurant at 2:00.  Still a few more contractions, and at 4:00 I was grasping the table.  I told Jonathan to take a shower.  At 5:00 we were off, and all checked in by 5:30,  I WAS IN PAIN!!!  They were coming fast and hard.  There is something to be said for mental preparation.  I was so prepared to have natural births with the first 3.  I knew with this one that I wanted to try the epidural route.  I was not ready for the pain, nor willing to deal with it.

Once I was all settled in, I found out that I was a five and 90% effaced.   YEAH!! give me the drugs. Man it felt good to say that.  The anesthesiologist said, "Welcome to the 20th century."  I guess we do live in a modern world huh.  Too bad it took me until baby #4 to figure that out.  Lesson learned.

Ahh... relief.  Until I suddenly realized that I was still feeling pain on my right side.  I am thankful for a nurse who knows the tricks, and worked that situation out.  Once the pain subsided, the on-call doctor showed up.  A wonderful man, the oldest in the practice; Dr. Simmons.  He quickly broke my water.  Then in a gentle way he rested his hand on my arm and offered a word of prayer. 

  15 minutes later I was complete and ready to push.  I think I had a look of shock on my face.  I did not expect to be ready so quickly.

Dr. Simmons was worried that I wasn't going to able to push her out when he realized that her head was not in the right position.  Boy was he surprised when I had her out in 3 pushes. I was even more surprised when I looked at the clock and it was only 6:54.  WOW!! Why didn't I know that I could have a baby so quickly with pain medication?

Much to our surprise Tessa had a cord around her neck.  She was taken immediately to the nurse.  They cleaned her all up, weighed her, and checked out every square inch of her.  All while I waited impatiently to feed my little one.

When all was said and done, Dr. Simmons kissed me on the head and said, " Well done girl."  I would take a hundred of you any day."

Then I held her.  Those nine months were finally all worth it.

We spent one wonderful night in the hospital.  She slept all the way through, and had an enjoyable day the next.  It was full of nursing, snuggles, kisses and awful hospital food.

When the 24 hour mark came we packed it up and headed home.  We were greeted by our 3 kiddos who were anxious and waiting.  They each took a turn holding her and loving her.  We put them all to bed, and I enjoyed an enjoyable 8 hours of solid sleep in my own bed.  YES!! Another night of sleeping straight through.  They best part of it all was that I was in my own bed.  I didn't have to listen to carts rolling down the hall in the night, the crying baby in the next room.  I wasn't woken up by the nurse checking my vitals at 4 am, and I even got to have my choice of cuisine for breakfast.  I didn't know if leaving the hospital so soon was a decision that I would regret or enjoy.  I must say it was the most enjoyable decision I had made.

The days that followed her birth were wonderful.  I recovered so well, with little pain.  I felt and still feel like a new woman.  A hard pregnancy has a tendency to get a girl down.  You start to believe that you may never feel normal again.  What a relief it was that I do, and that I don't feel the need to take a nap everyday.  To be honest, I don't have the time.

Tessa is a beautiful fourth child, and a wonderful addition to our home.  I would do it all again to have her in our life.

My Mommy

6 days after Tessa's birth I took my mom to the airport so she could fly home.  After our hug, I climbed back in the car and had tears rolling down my face.  Stella asked, "Why are you crying?"  I thought quickly and put it in terms she might understand and said, "because I miss my mommy."

There is something to be said for having your mother around.  They just get you.  There were so many times during her visit that she helped me problem solve, and came up with wonderful solutions.

She was so fun and her company warmed our home.

While she was here she spent some wonderful time with the kids.  Including reading Halloween stories that she brought them, and having a Halloween party.  It was so fun.  She made a spooky gingerbread with the kids, and then let them trick or treat at the door.  They thought it was good practice, and really fun.

Visit with mom when Tessa was born 012

Visit with mom when Tessa was born 021 

I am grateful that my Mommy taught me how to be a good mommy to my children.   I like having her in my home to be a part of raising my own, even if it is just for a few days.  I like to think that it makes her proud to watch me with my own children, following her example of mothering.

Frightful site, Beautiful Night

Halloween was great.  Our costumes turned out fun, and after I got over my attitude we enjoyed a nice night at The Bradfords.  Papa hooked up his flat bed trailer to the truck and filled it with Hay.  We enjoyed a nice hay ride around the neighborhood.

It was a beautiful night, and I was quickly taken back to me childhood.  I loved seeing the streets filled with all those children. 

My favorite part was watching Isaac.  He made the cutest little trick or treater.

I was grateful that I could steal away a few moments from the newborn to spend with the older 3.  It had been a little while since I have had some quality time with them.


Pumpkin Patch

Stella's school field trip was put on hold several times because of rain.  It turned out that it finally happened on a day that Jonathan had off.  I think that was meant to be.  It was just days after Tess was born, so he went with her.


I think this will always be a precious memory for her.  A school outing with dad.  What a special day.

A first for everything

In Arkansas, (redneck country)  you only have to be six to deer hunt.  There is also a special youth hunt when only kids can use their rifle. 

Jonathan decided to take Jex.  I must explain for you Utah natives.  Hunting out here is much different.  There is no walking around searching out deer.  Out in the Ozarks, you wait around in a deer stand all day for the perfect prize.

Jex waited and waited all day, and then decided upon a doe just minutes before dark.  He waited patiently for the deer to turn broadside, and when he did only a split-second passed before he pulled the trigger.  The bullet went right through his heart.

As a family, we are very thankful to have deer meat to eat, and then we also feed the hungry.  There are many in our ward who take the meat off our hands, and then we also donate it to the food bank.

There are plenty of deer here.  They are growing rapidly so the limit here is 4 per person.  Jonathan has enjoyed hunting this season.  He is a member of a deer club, and hunts at a special camp.  He has spent this year getting his stand and area ready by feeding them corn and watching them on special cameras. 

I think he was more excited then Jex about the deer.  It was a special day for both of them.


Out of the house

For the first few weeks after the baby was born I pretty much stayed in side.  Well,  I still do.  I have avoided going anywhere with big crowds and lots of germs.

However, one Sunday when Tess was about 2 weeks old we took a ride up to Petit Jean.  A Campground and beautiful spot in Arkansas.  We enjoyed the scenery, and the fall leaves.

We went up with Paige and Luann and enjoyed a nice picnic. 

It felt so good to get out of the house.


Homemade History

Jonathan's parents came for a short visit soon after Tessa's birth.  They enjoyed meeting their 18th grandchild for the first time.

They spoiled the kids with their Christmas gifts.  Lorene made very special homemade gifts for the kids.  She made Stella a new pink comfy blanket.  Jex a pillow that had been embroidered by his dad when he was a child, and a movie pillow for Isaac. 

Isaac's pillow says, "All Star Kid."  He now walks around saying, "I an all star kid."  So adorable.

Jonathan had put his initials JBS on the stitching.  Jex said, "This is a piece of history because I am the fourth JBS.  Jex Blaine Swenson; isn't he just so amazing?DSC_0436


This year we stayed on the home front.  It was so nice to spend the morning cooking and hanging out with Jonathan. 

We shared the day with the Bradfords and a few other friends.  Dinner was wonderful.

I made homemade rolls, sweet potato souffle, pecan pie bars and gooey butter cakes.


I enjoyed being back in the kitchen.

After a great meal, we went out to a movie.  It was so fun.  Tessa did great.

That day I realized what great kids we have.  They all behaved so well.  Not to many people can take 4 kids seven and under to the movie and have it go off with out a hitch.

I was counting my blessings for my kids.  I have much to be Thankful for.

Merry Christmas to me. 

I went ahead and gave myself a Christmas present I booked myself a flight  to.....

( read on to find out where and why)


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