
Sunday, November 1, 2009


Girls copy

We had a marvelous Halloween.  It was a little stressful in the beginning.

I was certainly acting a little "Witchy."


So... I thought my costume was very fitting. 

Do you know how hard it is to get 4 kids ready for Halloween?

Next year, I will start earlier.

Jex  Stella Isaac Witches

Especially because every event includes a photo shoot.

I did not have near enough time for this one.

I am hoping to dress my littlest witches up for a better shoot tomorrow.

Here is my rushed shot of the baby.


Our Family pictures are to come later.  Jonathan looked great in his "Dreamy Costume."

We hope your Halloween was "spook"tacular.


  1. I'm completely laughing! You are right...we were having the same type of Halloween. You're coustume was very fitting. I just bagged it all together!

    You got some cute pictures though!

  2. I love the costumes! I remember being SOOO late to trunk-or-treat once when my dad had to work and my mom was on her own with 4 little kids! We got there and everyone was almost gone! :o)

    So you said you use photoshop elements: are the adorable swirls and flowers on Elements? I can't seem to find them, but i'll keep experimenting!

  3. The kids look darling! Halloween is crazy even without a newborn, so I am impressed that you got done what you did! Just wait until they are all in school and Halloween falls on a week day. It really doesn't ever get any easier, so I guess we all just enjoy the moments--hectic and crazy or not!

  4. So fun, Andrea -- you are darling, and your kids are adorable. I'm glad it turned out nice in spite of the rought beginning. :)


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