
Friday, July 3, 2009


Jex overlooks course

I am not talking numb-chucking skillz...like Napoleon.  I am talking the real deal. 

Our little Jex is really a good golfer.  I just have to take a moment to brag.

He has been at golf camp all week.  Today, at the end of the camp  they had a little ceremony. (which, I knew nothing about...Yes, mother of the year award once again.)  Anyhoo, this little champ got 2nd place for putting and 2nd place for driving in his age group.

I knew that hot August day almost six years ago when he got his first set of plastic clubs that we had a little pro on our hands.

Jex, I am so proud of you for working hard, and listening to your teachers.

We Love You !!


  1. Hooray for Jex! We know you are a chip off the old TEE !Congratulations on you success at golf camp. You DRIVE us crazy with your golfing skills and because of those skills you will be flying high so we will start calling you PUTTER PAN!
    We love you, Jex!
    Gram and Gramps

  2. I have been amazed every time I see Jex play golf. He is really good. Great job Jex for getting 2nd place!! That's amazing!

  3. Such a great picture! Alden's still a golfer-wannabe at this stage. Nice to know Jonathan'll have a constant golf companion soon, eh?

  4. Good job Jex! I'm not surprised...considering he's Jonathan's son. :) I love the picture.

  5. How CUTE!! I just love this little guy! I miss him terribly! What a cute little picture! :o) Great job, Jex!

  6. That picture of Jex reminds me so much of my Tate! He also loves to golf & has his own set of clubs & LOVES to go to the driving range or golfing with Josh or my dad. Way to go Jex! I bet Jonathan loves it also:)


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