
Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Alphabet has begun...

We have officially started our Alphabet Summer.  Yesterday we

did the Letter F.  For....  FAST 

Fast copy

 AND... Free Floats

(Compliments of Sonic's Free Root Beer Float night.)

Free Floats

 We hope your day was as FUN as ours.


  1. You are such a good mom and so much fun! Looks like a great day to me, I love the pic. of Isaac going in for a lovely taste!

  2. Don't know what kind of Alphabet y'all have in Arkansas, but here in Texas we start with the letter "A" ... (just kidding) ... can't wait to get those little rugrats together again. It'll be fun to see you guys again.
    We'll get ready to perma-smile for our wives and their cameras.

  3. Crap, I forgot about free float night! I am going to try out the Alphabet Summer so keep posting these so I can steal your ideas :).

  4. Looks like you had lots of Fun. Your kids are so dang cute, and I miss them!! I love Isaac in the last picture, lol!

  5. Oh my gosh--I love that picture of them with their rootbeer floats! My mom used to do alphabet summers, too! Sweet! :o)

    Squeeze your kidlets for me and remind them who I am! (*Tear!!*)


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