
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

All I Can Say Is....

Heartburn "Schmartburn".....

I HATE Heartburn!!

On that note... we find out on Monday what this little Munchie is!!   I would love to hear your guess.

BOY or GIRL???

I will keep you posted.


  1. I'm guessing girl too! I've had AWFUL heartburn this pregnancy too..and we are having a girl! Can't wait to hear!

  2. Oh...I had HORRIBLE heartburn with Macy. That was the worst, I feel for you!! I guess I will go with girl too, since everyone else is:) You know grandpa says boy though.

  3. I have to agree with the group... heartburn seemed to be the worst wtih Taylor, so I'm voting girl.

  4. You already are 100% on your guess so I can't go against that. That would just be plain silly.

  5. I also am going to say girl!! I had the worst heartburn with my girls.

  6. Hey Ill be the odd ball and say boy!:) Good luck and sorry about the heartburn, NOT FUN, good thing they are worth it in the end!

  7. Yeah, I was going to say girl but...just to be different, I'm going to go with boy. I had almost no heartburn with Alden but with Eli it was wicked bad from almost day one. So...who knows!! Can't wait for you to find out!!

  8. Uhhh, I had heartburn sooo bad when I was pregnant also. It was horrible, so I feel your pain! Try not drinking milk about 2 hours before you go to bed, that helped me a little bit. Also, chewy Rolaids are so much better than the Tums. Also, I am guessing girl because heartburn is way worse with them & Stella needs a sister!

  9. I vote girl! :) Gotta keep things even, you know. :) Vanilla ice cream always helped me with the heartburn - not so much with the waistline.... :)

  10. Hearburn is the worse part of being pregnant for me! I just started having it myself, and I'm 19 weeks.
    I am going to guess you're having a girl.
    BTW, I'm Kristin's friend from High School, found your blog on her's and love your blog! You're amazing!

  11. I'll go with the crowd and vote girl. :) I have heartburn REALLY bad when I'm pregnant as well and I take Prilosec OCT 2 or 3 times a week (only when prego) and it works wonderfully. Much better than constantly having a chalky antacid in my mouth.

  12. You poor girl! I have to say that is the one thing I HATED about being preggo. The awful, awful heartburn. I lived on Tums. You have my full sympathy, but I know doesn't help.

    So glad you had a little time with your hubby. Todd and I went on a similar cruise last year. It was so relaxing, and a really good time.

    Hang in there!

  13. I'm hoping girl. And I'm hoping your heartburn goes away!

  14. I'm putting in my guess before you post. I say it will be a girl.


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