
Friday, April 3, 2009

A heart to heart....

Heart to Heart

Okay dear computer, it is time you and I had a heart to heart.  I know you feel neglected.  I know I don't stroke your keys as much as I use too.  I haven't frequented many of my favorite sites; much less added any words to my own.  Heck, I hardly check my email.


I still love you.  In fact, I miss reading all the amazing posts from the wonderful people in life.  I even miss adding some of my own words to the world wide web. I don't know if I miss checking my email,  But...( you knew there would be a  BUT)   I FEEL LIKE CRAP!!

I have not felt well for 6 weeks now.  Here are my SYMPTOMS...






foggy brain

lack of motivation

serious sinus problems

Have you guessed my condition yet?


I must apologize to all my blogdom friends.  I miss you, but I just can't get myself off the couch.  I hang my head over the porcelain throne a lot too.  The good news is... this too shall pass.  I expect to feel sick for 4-6 more weeks.  Not to long right?  That's only what 28-42 more days.  AHHH... that's an eternity.  Oh, well I can survive.

On a happier note, we are thrilled.  We are expected to have a Halloween baby.  Due date: October 31.  I am 10 weeks pregnant.

Now to answer the big question:  WAS THIS A SURPRISE?


This was very much planned.  In fact, we have planned all of our little kiddos.  Yes, this means that I will have 4 kids under the age of 7 .   But as Jonathan pointed out the other day, that also means that they will all leave the house 7 years after the 1st one leaves.  Actually, that is kind of a sad thing. 

Anyway, Jonathan and I have had an amazing journey in the few months that we planned for this little one.  I wrote about it several times in my personal journal along the way.  I will share parts of those entries in the next few days to kind of fill you in on the whole spiritual process of it all.

I feel blessed for the opportunity to have another child, and I can't wait till the 2nd trimester when the old Andrea comes back to stay. 

Hopefully, I am back to the blog world for good now.  All I could think to share about over the last month was how sick I felt... and I wasn't quite ready to lay that out on the table yet.

So now you know where I have been; (couch, porcelain throne.)

I am looking forward to reconnecting with my dear friends.



  1. Congratulations! I knew it- as soon as you blogged about being in a funk I thought "She sounds pregnant!" Hope you start feeling better soon & can't wait to meet the next baby Swenson. (I hope it's a girl! Another little Stella- I just love her!) Congratulations! It's a lucky little one to be born into your family :)

  2. Hooray!! I am so excited for you, and just a little jealous, there is nothing sweeter than a new baby!

    I hope the next couple of weeks go quickly, so you can start feeling better.

  3. Yay! I actually heard a while ago, but didn't want to let the cat of the bag before you decided to tell...congratulations! You are better than me...4 under 7 sounds very tiring!

  4. Hooray! Hooray! I'm so happy for you and will be even happier for you in a few weeks. I'm looking forward to hearing your experiences. It was great talking to you! Ok, you really need to go get the "Sea Band" things. I've decided that they work. When I have them on I just feel like I'm going to barf, when they're not on I do barf! :) Call me in a couple weeks! (You could call me before too!)

  5. Now that's EXCITING news!! I'm so happy for you all!! October is such a great time to have a baby too...right before the Holidays :)
    Take Care of yourself!!

  6. Congratulations my friend!! Aren't you glad to just be at this point? You're almost through with the sickies. Pretty soon we won't be calling eachother everyday to see what sounds good for lunch and comparing our horrible days.

    I'm glad the old Andrea is right around the corner. What will it even be like to feel normal again? Maybe our husbands are more excited about that than we even are. Could it be possible??? Hang in there!

  7. Congratulations! I was wondering where you had gone--sorry it was to such a yucky place, but it will all be worth it! Good luck in the coming weeks!

  8. YAAY!!
    Congrats Andrea! I am so happy for you! My original due date last year with Easton was on HALLOWEEN! I'm sorry you haven't felt great...they say that's a good sign of a healthy baby, right? :) I am so happy for you!

  9. YEAH! I am so excited for you!! I hope that you get feeling better soon! We have missed your blogging! You make beautiful babies!! Good luck till you feel better! COngrats!

  10. I wish I were there to clean your porcelin throne for you. I was thinking I'd beat you to the punch on baby #4! REally though, how great that such a neat family can welcome another sweet baby.

  11. I was wondering where you went! I missed your awesome blog!! Congrats I'm so happy for you guys. You guys make cute babies so here comes another one. Sorry you haven't been feeling well I hope that changes.

  12. Congratulations! I propose a toast: To being a mother of FOUR! Cheers!!!

  13. I was just going to pop over here to ask if your comment on my blog was an announcement. ? And here's the announcement!!! Oh, I wish I could take pics of your new baby girl (?) too! I'm very happy for you. You should have a dozen kids! You are an awesome mom.

  14. I so called it. I was just telling Jaman this week. I hope Andrea is ok. I haven't seen her blogging for a long while. I bet she is pregnant. I lived by you so I know how we are! :) Best of luck wish I was right next door to help you out. I am so happy for you. Congrats!!

  15. So glad you're back! And you had a good excuse . . . :)

  16. Congratulations! I know you get nice and sick, and that is something I can defintily understand, so I hope the countdown of sickness goes quickly!

  17. So glad to have you back, really missed you and Congrats to you and Jonathan !!! Baby number 4, you are too young !!!

  18. Well to me I think you are probably feeling slightly better if you are on the computer, that's a good thing. I was kinda worried about you for awhile. But like I said you will make it and in a week we can take good care of your kids for 2 WHOLE WEEKS, YAH!!! Can't wait to see you and I couldn't be happier to have a new nephew or niece!

  19. Hey Andrea! I haven't seen you since beauty school! You have such a beautiful family! Congrats on #4. That is so exciting! Our blog is now private but if you would like to check it out you can email me at tyrabisch@hotmail.com.

  20. Very exciting! Congratulations. And...it is great to see you blogging again. I missed you!

  21. Very exciting! Congratulations. And...it is great to see you blogging again. I missed you!

  22. Very exciting! Congratulations. And...it is great to see you blogging again. I missed you!

  23. Very exciting. Congratulations. And...it is great to see you blogging again. I missed you!

  24. I was wondering what had happened to you! I surely didn't guess pregnancy though. Congrats!

  25. Congratulations again! We are so excited for another cute little Swenson to be running around! :-) Come visit us on Saba!!

  26. CONGRATS! YAY for you and your fam... another DARLING addition (your kids are BEAUTIES)
    Hope you get feeling better! I missed your updates! TAKE CARE!

  27. Congratulations! I am so excited for you and I'm glad you are almost feeling better! It is very exciting that we are doing this together and believe it or not that we are only 4 days apart from eachother!

  28. CONGRATS!! Oh, another adorable little Swenson baby!! :o) I wish you guys lived closer!

  29. Some people have all the luck! :)
    I know this decision has taken a lot of faith for you, and I am so proud of you guys. Ya'll are awesome, and I know Heavenly Father is pleased with your willingness to do what you know is right.

  30. I knew when you were HERE in KC! Congrats

  31. Congratulations!!! I totally understand the sickness thing. However, my doesn't go away until at least week 23 or 24. So count yourself lucky. Good luck!:)

  32. congrats! I'm so excited for you guys. I hope you get feeling better soon. Those fun sick months are still fresh on my mind, so I feel for you.(:

  33. Congrats!! So sorry you've been so sick. It's all worth it in the end right:)

  34. Congratulations!! You have SUCH cute kids and I have no doubt this one will be a darling little bundle of joy!


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