
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This is why I want more children...

As we meander around here in the South, everyone says, "Wow!! You have your hands full." because 3 children are a surprising amount of children... (as I roll my eyes) "How many kids do you want?" I quickly say, "FIVE" Then you hear "ahhh, really?"

When I watch my children grow and learn, I can't help but want to do it all over again. This little guy is almost 18 months, and look at what he has already learned in his short little life.

He can eat, communicate, walk, play, and even DANCE!!
I hope you enjoy my little guy as much as I do, and know that I believe teaching someone about life is one of most precious gifts we can give someone. When they turn around and show you what you taught them there is no greater reward.


  1. OH MY GOSH!! He is SO cute!! He has definitely got some dance moves! I wish we could come out and visit too!!

  2. He is so stinkin' cute!!! I want to eat him up! :)

  3. 5 is a great number! I CANNOT believe how big Isaac is!!!! :o) I wish I could see him dancin in person! :o)

  4. That boy can DANCE! What a cutie.

  5. Say--I loved the videos! Thanks for letting us stay in touch with all that is going on at your place. Having visited there makes it easier to relate. Jerald

    PS The dancing is really special.

  6. Oh I miss him so much! I am sad you guys don't live closer. He is so cute. Give him loves and we will come visit this summer.

  7. Oh my goodness! He is changing so fast and growing up so quickly! He is so cute. It makes me so sad to see Adalynn growing so fast... why did it take till #3 for me to love this babyhood??

  8. I just spent one week going through old pics and videos for the kids baby book. 17 years goes by so fast and you are doing such a great job of making EVERY moment count. I love your posts--so inspiring.

  9. Lucky me! I get to witness his adorableness firsthand!
    (I enjoyed his help with my lesson on Sunday. ) :)


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