
Monday, October 20, 2008

Random thoughts...

Photo taken by: Jill Burton

I had this really funny thought the other day. Jonathan and I were driving around. He had the day off, and we were just enjoying being with each other. As we drove by some of the shops that were out there, I realized that I live in a completely different world then most. There were coffee shops of all shapes and sizes, fun boutiques, cafes with interesting cuisine. It was then and there that I realized that I forgot places like that even exist. I am living in a world so far removed from the life that is out there.

My world consists of home, the grocery store, Target(on a rare occasion), school, and church. We spend the majority of our time in the comfort of our own home. Some of you may think what a boring life I lead... I however have recently discovered that I am quite proud of this life.

I am proud to be... a mother of three. I am pleased when I get a load of laundry done, and get it put away. I enjoy reading to my children, and the sound of their laugh when I chase them around the house is so pleasing to my ears.

I must say that I don't even long to know what is inside all those fancy stores. I have discovered that my life here at home being a wife and a mother fulfills all my needs(and it saves us money, I am not spending it in those shops full of things we don't really need, but make us feel like we do.)

I find myself enjoying Motherhood more and more, as the days go by. It is such a tremendous blessing, but a huge responsibility. Sometimes, I feel like I am the CEO of a major corporation.

It has been on my mind these days. I have listened as many of the mothers here in the state we call home think one or two children are plenty. My ears are plenty sick of hearing, "wow, you have your hands full." No, Actually I don't, I want to say; my heart is full, and the only thing my hands are full of are these tiny precious fingers. These tiny fingers require my help in most things, and every time I teach them something I gain a better understanding for how our Heavenly Father must feel when we have one of those AH HA moments. When we finally understand what he has been trying to teach us all along.

I realize that Heavenly Father is anxiously waiting to send his children to good homes. What a blessing it is to discover that I am furthering his work. I am trying as hard as I can to treasure this, and learn all I can. Are we not supposed to be anxiously engaged in a good cause? This is my good cause at this time. I can appreciate that, even when sometimes I just want to throw in the towel or take a really long nap.

I often find myself overwhelmed, and sometimes incapable. I know that with faith, and the Lords help; I can be a good mother to these beautiful children that he has given to me.

As for the life out there that I am not a part of... it can wait. It will still be there years down the road. This time, right now, the every days with my children will pass before I know it.

This is my season. I have found my purpose in life... and I will give my whole heart to it.



  2. I agree. I'm always proud of myself when I don't fill my gas tank up very often. It means I'm home doing things I should be doing instead of running around town wasting the day away. I love the days that we enjoy at home. The kids and I are both so much more content and happy. I try to simplify things so we can do it more often than not.

  3. Loved everything you said!! I read it last night and was thinking about it all as I fell asleep. Thanks for sharing your insight!

  4. Andrea, you are wonderful - thank you for sharing your thoughts. Your blog is a wonderful breath of fresh air. What a blessing we have in this season of our lives! If only we can REMEMBER that in the midst of the more trying moments... :)

  5. What a great perspective. Thanks for that uplift. It's funny, I've come to love motherhood so much more since we've moved to Colorado and I know nobody here. It has caused me to stay home with my little ones and become engrossed in them as well! Thanks for the reminder to cherish this!

  6. Andrea, I think this is my favorite post you have ever done, and you've done many amazing ones.
    I loved our conversation about this the other day. It is so true. We are a bit removed from the "normal world" :), but how blessed we are to be!
    Being a mother is truly the most joyful, precious experience I have ever had, and I thank my Heavenly Father daily for it!

  7. If you love motherhood as much as I do and I know you do you will absolutely be in heaven when you get to experience grandmotherhood. It is absolutely divine dahling.

  8. I will share that post with my daughters. There is a time and season for everything and you are making the most of this blessed time in your life.


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