
About Me

My name is Andrea, and I blog here at JandA&CO.  Why the name?  I am married to this amazing man, Jonathan, whom we call J for short.  Our company exists of four spunky kids.  You will find me blogging most about them; and that is where we got the name. 

I am thankful everyday for this blog.  It is such an outlet for me as a mother.  It is a place for me to share with others my thoughts on motherhood, my dreams and my passions.  I hope it is used for good; and can bring happiness to others.

I love staying at home with my kids, spending time with my husband, decorating my home(on a budget), making new friends, scrapbooking, cooking, and taking more pictures than I will ever know what to do with.

I hope you enjoy what I have to say.

Come again.